Telephone 3-1111 Arizona Republic, Phoenix, Tuesday Morning, July 30, 1940 (Section Two) Page Seven AUTOMOBILES 56 BUSINESS CHANCES 58 MONEY TO LOAN 45 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 35 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 32 TRUCKS JOR SALE We Still Havi the most attrartii-fl t-t-t-n tun b.lj- Reconditioned. GUARANTEED i FOR sale, cafe In Cottonwood. I Arizona. Good steady business. For details write Box 172.
Cottonwood. iO BARGAINS CEMENT work, sand, gravel, excavating, yard grading. 3-9572. lKLCKij, though many have Drof- 35 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE STORE FIXTURES Hohnrt Food Preparing Machines DAYTON SCALES McCray Refrigeration New Used Rebuilts Terms PARMENTER'S used all sizes. ST5 50 up.
REX GRAYNER'S 412 N. Central Ave. Ph. 3-4413 t-pd Cars. $20 to $149 uea irom recent purchases here BARGAIN.
Best spot out of city I PAINTING, kalsomining. Reason able. 3-7751. 59 PERSONALS The Stork'sNest 2027 N. Central WILL MOVE AUGUST 1.
TO 647 N. 2nd Ave. 10 Dance Lessons $1 First 5 persons presenting this ad will receive 10 complete dance lessons for $1. 812 N. 7th Ave.
Massage, alco rub. colonic. 10-10. 501 W. Van Buren limits.
Bar, cabins, living quarters. 2912 W. Van Buren. MODERN service "station all any kind GORDON PLAN Saves You Nearly OF THE CHARGE ALLOWED BY LAW ON PERSONAL LOANS $20 To $300 CARPENTERING jwU tuu. snouid follow their example.
1 ex ALL SIZES-TYPES PRICES THE O. S. Stapley Company INTERXATTOVAf Tvi-t'c-" Lockraft Construction A FULL INSULATED HOUSE equipment furnished. Stock at in -T- 37 Studebaker deluxe to appreciate, tvn davs. Call after 46SITUAT10NS WANTED ventory, call at Arizona Oil Co.
Ph. 3-4212 At si Cost Of Ordinarv Stucco W. Washington South 17th Ave. and Lincoln. FEMALE 727 Grand Phoenix.
Ph. 41116 Brick Construction. Estimates Free. Air-Home Lum. Supply 1600 S.
Central Ave. Ph. 3-4619 Month IAPt- 1- 374 N- lst Ave. June Aqair. Repav Per A Real Opportunity Owner retiring from Mfg.
Business, offers to sell the Asbestos Products Co. plant, stock and all equipment at a tremendous Used Refrigerators Several makes models. Attractively Priced. FANNIN'S 712 Grand Ave. Ph.
45621 35 East Adams Ph. 38971 6.41 $12.83 A home Tree from laxes is unyun-ant. Vote for Free Homes- -Money for the modernization Ol vour home i easy to get. See Cle i $100 $200 $300 TRUCK SPECIALS '39 GMC VL Ton For Balance Due Deluxe 5 pas-eVd'jn. Finance Co.
says Powell Heyne fi-h A. Ph. 4-277 1 coat wall paint, anv color, special $2.25 gal. Cahill Paint Co. 42 E.
Mon SPECIAL RATES ON "SITUATIONS WANTED" ADS That the Republic and Gazette may be of assistance to those seeking positions they accept advertisem*nts under "Situation! Wanted" claiuifiratlons. male and female, from individual at 50To less than the price for any other classification. Rates Per Word Per Dajf Minimum Ctiarge 25 Cents Cash In Advance $19.24 Lbr. Co. 1724 Grand.
$785 do. a- lassts z-noed Axle '37 GMC T-18-H sacntire. see exclusive agent. FARM HOME Inv. CO.
E. J. HEBETS, Realtor 1141 W. Monroe Phone 4-1433 NO MONEY DOWN. Beautiful toned Behr Bros.
upr. oak piano. S50. S3 a month. Bargain.
Win-ship, 219 Goodrich Ph. 3-5107. You may repay sooner if desired. TRANSPORTATION Axminster rugs carpeting 407c off S5.50. 9x12 Congoleum rugs.
S3.75 49c Linoleum, special 25c sq. yd. 907 E. Van Buren Open evenings. FREIGHT i People borrow here to consolidate debts refinance time payment contracts repay other loans in PRACTICAL nurses.
30869. WE are offering of the best Hotel deals in the city. 50 rooms. Lease Furniture. $2000 bal.
For Semi. Reconditioned S745 '38 Chev. 11, Ton C. C. Needs a Little Work, $295 "Phoenix TRUCK Headquarters" WESTWARD MOTORS p'vmnuth Cpe.
Special Today $195 BILL SIMS 36 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A FERTY Laundry. 4-3846 monthly. Angle Realty. Ph. GENERAL housework.
Colored. A I SHED "automotive ROOF LEAKS NO CHARGE ON TEMPORARY REPAIRS Free Inspection and Survey 30 Years in Phoenix ALL ROOFING NEEDS PHOENIX ROOFING SUPPLY CO. Westside Mill Box Co. MOTOR, cheap for, cash. 9-2774.
3-6452. STORAGE OR MOVING NATIOV-WIDE SERVICE BY Allied Van Lines Bekins Van Lines LIGHTNING MOVING WAREHOUSE CO. 423 E. Jackson St Ph. -r--.
parts jobbing business in prosper- iact lor ail useiui purposes. GORDON Personal Loan' Company fill Ellis Building 137 North Second Avenue M1DDLEAUED woman DIST. Ph. 34103 414 W. Van Buren Phone 4-3985 37 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED permanent home and some wages in motherless home.
Myrtle Payne O'Neil. P. O. Box 211. Ajo, Arizona.
33 TRAILERS FOR SALE 1655 West Jackson St. Phone 3-2161 Ref- WORK in widower's home, erences. Phone 268 Glendale. Set of Four 6.ixlH While Sidewail $9.50. 2110 W.
Van TRAILER, Buren. 1939 PACKARD Sedan. Driven ic-ual by local busi-; car guarantee. WE BUY wreck buildings. Also used doors, plumbing.
3-8750. 2nd HAND FURNITURE HICKS. 1450 E. Van Buren, 3-7929 WE pay more for used furniture. Let us prove it.
Ph. 3-9724. vicuna tu xiifu iini. require only reasonable amount invested. Box 23-B, Republic and Gazette.
HOME BUSINESS can be made on this 85 ft. frontage on S. Central Ave. Large mod. house, shade, $300 $20 mo.
Sandige. 15 N. 2nd Ave. Grocery. Gas Sta.
Also sells hay. $30 dailv sales. Has living qrtrs. Price $1100 cash. Rent is $20.
STUDENT wants place to earn board and room. Ph. 3-4002. Recaoped Tires. BARGAIN! HUDSON TIRE CO.
415 E. Van Phoiv HALSCO Land Yacht. 1937 model deluxe. Cost. SS37.50.
Will take PACKARD. 4th Ave. fin. i CENTRAI WAREHOUSE CO. 3-3101.
Got our rates.15 E. Jackson CALL CHAMBERS i Transfer Storage Co. i Household ponds exclusive servic (Arizona and Southern California. 301 S. 4th Ave.
NEAT colored woman, cook, like children, anv work. Rear. 624 S. 7th Ave. Apt.
1. iJyO- 3rd Roeser Rd. BABY CRIB PAD n.o.v WANTED USED STUDIO COUCH $18.95 i FURNITURE AUTO LOANS Vacation monev our specialfv. Interest $5.30 On $50 Other amounts in proportion FROM $25.00 UP. STRICT PRIVACY Contracts refinanced, pavments REDUCF.
FREE PARKING. MARTIN BRATON "th Ave. Washing! Ph. 41404 COVERED Wagon 2 wheeled trailer. Mackey's Camp, Miami, Arizona.
6 rooms or any part. Ph. 3-9412 LAUNDRY. 20 lb. family bundle, $1.50.
Everything finished. Phone 3-2687. onn Lressers irom to iu.o ANGELUS FURNITURE CO. 525-37 West Van Buren Ph. 3-6171 ANDERSON.
106 N. Central Ave. HI HEST prices paid for used day, evenings. Colored. AT TRAILER HEADQUARTERS Ne 1940 18-ft.
Schult for $595. Also a large selection of factory built used trailers nn paw termc HALF 4-5162. SALESMAN and distributor for Arizona territory, $100 and car necessary. Arizona Hotel. See Mr.
Allen. furniture -lothes 3-3226. CASH FORlTSEDFURNITURE" VALLEY FURNITURE CO. 1400 E. Van Buren Phone 4-3920 NEWSPAPER MATS make an and durable protection for young Citrus trees, plants and Shrubs.
WHAT YOU CAN'T SEE IS WHAT 'E GUARANTEE --uv kkT DEAL INT TOWN COLORED woman wants housework. Phone 4-2173. 209 East Van Euren Street 20 FT. house trailer complete with 57 MONEY WANTED "Cash in Both Pockets" for furniture. Verner.
803 N. 7th St. 3-8594. Excellent for sheds and ijLriivui PIT on T-anrrA A 1 1 Coast To Coast Service HOUSEHOLD GOODS ONLY Acrd Mayflower Transit Co. 'AT CHAMBERS) 301 S.
4th Ave. Ph. 4-4141 WHITE middle-aged lady wants housekeeping for small family. 3-1295. inches.
Get a 09 E. Van Buren Ui ci no Income prop-28-B, Repub- Roaches Carrv Germs Kill 'em! WANTED $5,500. erty. 3 years. Box lie and Gazette.
38 LIVESTOCK ANT) SUPPLIES Col- -S145 supply now, thev will keep until 12 Ft. Metal Sleeps 2 14H-FL New, Sleeps 4 Points Drug Ph. 3-6628 HAND laundry done neat, ored. 3-0572. ooo neeaea.
kf.kl tiijiu ana UAitnt WANT S6.000 at 67r from private Office. 112 N. Central. fOME TO THE MOTOR CO. Terms.
Western Trailer Sales. 1744 GRAND AVE. FOR SALE Pinto stallion, un- nurse, good cook. PRACTICAL Phone 4-3S94. Johnson's Floor polisher.
50c day usual markings, middle aged. Buy- party, well secured, ousiness prop erty. Box 77-A, Republic and Ga zette. Floor sander 61 TRANSPORTATION LICENSED Plastic Clear Palate Dental plates, reasonable fee DR. DAVIS 33 W.
Washington Ph. 4-2249 GUAR, oil perms. $1.25 complete" Shampoo, wave dry, 50c. 4-1571 S3 per dav er must assure- good home and Lumber Co 42944 jcare. Box 27-B, Republic and Ga- SIX POINTS 34 MACHINERY AND EQl'IPMEXT FOR SALE STUDENT wants place to earn board room.
Ph. 3-4002. COLORED, wants work. Phone 3-8616. izette.
58 MONEY TO LOAN pasture for rent. GREEN corn Phone 45269. Massage Stimulat ing Invigorating FORDSON with belt pulley, plow, wagen, cultivator, corn and cotton planter. 1101 West Camel-back Road. Miss Butron.
618 N. 4th Ave. 3-1735 Baling tomor- COLORED couple. Go anywhere. Good housekeeper, yard man.
4-4526. Santa Fe Trailways AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT Local and Transcontinental Service 17 E. Jefferson Ph. 4-4137 62 TRANSPORTATION MISCELLANEOUS ALFALFA No. 1.
row. Phone 9-5418. A 0 BARGAIN ANNEX 7-Pce. Dining suite $29. 9o 2-Pce.
Mohair suite $19.95 Table 4 chairs $13.95 Youth's bed and pad 8.95 Octagon table 3.00 Studio Couch S19.95 20 E. Jefferson St. Ph. 3-4151 Chv.Dx.Spt.Sd. $765 Ford 85 Sedan.
345 Chev. I)x. T. Sd. 745 Plymouth Coupe 575 Spt.
Sed. 465 Packard 120 Sd. 495 Ol.k Sedan 625 Chev. Snt. Sed.
525 COLORED, housework, cooking. 3-3918. 1000 ewes with lambs. Immediate delivery. Jack Hill, Gallup, New Mexico.
I NEED $100 When a fellow wants a loan he WANTS IT! next week but NOW! GUVRAN1EED permanents. i SJL.IO Phone 4-2340. REAL- home for eiderly invalids. Reasonable. 4-4005.
FARMERS, CATTLEMEN, Help! quick Not BOOKKEEPER, secretary, sev BOY 19, will drive to Lexington, for transportation. Ph. FOR SALE, 40 A. of red maize, ready to cultivate. 9-5587.
eral years experience, now eni-i PUMP SUPPLIES Cylinders Rods Parts New and used Water Svstems Everything for the Well. Jules L. Vermeersch 20 W. Madison Ph. 3-5501 KARZ fight for water.
21st One hull. 4-3308. ALFALFA hay. Christy Road, Chinese Herbs Remedies for chronic diseases. Inf.
12o S. ith St. YOU SAVE HERE Lawn Reclining Chair, 1. Comb. Magazine-Radio table.
1. $4.95 Linoleum Rug, 3.95 New Babv Bed With Pad 6.95 ployed, seeks future change. For interview write Box 21B, Republic andGazette HOURS, hal jlay 3-284 9. REFINED woman, housekeeping in widower or motherless home. Folks who have a charge account at Henry Goodman's can go to his Friendly office and get $20 to $300 almost as quick as you can say "Lend me Fifty, Henry" WANT transportation to Las Cruces, New Wednesday.
9-3498. TWO want transportation vicinity Columbus or Cincinnati, immediately. 906 N. 15thAve. DRIVING Lubbock, TexaC Wednesday.
Take 2. Phone 9-5071. USED 2-TON CHAIN HOIST CASH BUYERS. ALFALFA SEED. Capital Fuel.
Feed Seed. 3-1171. Ant poison. Guar, to kill or monev refunded. Quick Seed Co.
4-2135. 495 525 595 295 Brown Bevi? Co. 825 E. Mad. 43823 $2 1.95 Tilt-back Divan $19.95 PERMS.
COMPLETE. SI. 3-3466. ROACHES Bugs Ants KilledT Call 3-0933. Prompt Service.
FINE WATCH, clock repairing. Wm. G. Young, 209 N. Central.
2900 E. Granada or phone 4-6632. American Home Supply COMPRESSOR, pump jack, flotation machine. Western Machinery Chev. Coupe Dnrl.cre radio Chrysler Sedan.
Plymouth Sed Ford Coupe I Buick 41 Sed. TRUCKS KOHL Livestock Hauling Local Long Distance. Ph. 3-0181 435 to 229E.Jefferson St. Ph.
3-0508 Metal shelf cabinets $5.50 to SS.75 Perry's, 1334 E. Van Buren 3-2234 WANT ays or week work. 30294 HIGH SCHOOL pirl care children." Home nights. 4-2930. DAY, hour.
Sewing, laundry. 3-7917. Bargains in used pipe and fittings. 545 Mules Horses bought, sold, rented Walter Watson. 3504 Grand.
4-6032 Duncan's bull service. $2. Ph. 45249 Salvage Sales. 1315 E.
Van Buren Quick Loans $20 to $300 Up to 20 Months to Repay Strictly Confidential See HENRY GOODMAN "at Friendly Loan Finance 210 W. Adams Phone 4-5511 FURNITURE Upholstering. Re-finishing Repairing. Ph. 4-2923.
HAMILTON'S Guernsey bull service. $2.50. Ph. 9-22S1. YOUNG woman would like work in Phoenix or surrounding territory.
Capable, sales ability, good personality, educational background. Have car. Box 25-B, Republic and Gazette. Phone 3-5173. Outside house paint ah colors $1.23 AYJBUSE 201 E.
Van Buren Valdura Aluminum Roof Coating ROY L. PERRY CO. 146 S. 2nd Ave EADS BULL Service. $2.50.
9-4171 ALL SIZE ENGINES 40 to 200 H. P. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY MARICOPA FUEL FEED CO. 331 North 7th Phoenix Branches at Mesa and Buckeye 17, HAY, all grades, straw. Lat, Yuma Rd.
Howard. 9-5587. -if $495 425 Pray Chev. Pickup 4 Speeds Ford Panel Chev. 157" W.B with Plat.
Enjov A Vacation LOANS CARS REFINANCED Automobile Furniture Livestock Cash for Fresh and Springer Cows Box 7 Republic and Gazette CANNING JARS 15c doz. while thev last. Phone 4-3312. 719 E. Jackson LAUNDRY.
20 lbs finished, $1.50. Shirts a specialty. 4-2894. 39 PET STOCK AND SUPPLIES 445 ARE RELIABLE colored lady wants 1H.KIS KtiCjULL Ph. 32251 202 N.
7th Ave. work. 3-7869. PITZ Puppies. 650 N.
6th Ave. Roof Leaks Repaired $2 UP PHONE 31569 CARS PIPE new used STRUCTURAL STEEL Effron Co. 1009 E. Madison 38412 Our Complete Stock Of PLANET, JR. Seeder Repairs ARE NOW ON HAND Guerin Implement Co.
1403 S. Central Ave. maid work. HOUSEKEEPER, 4-5953. CALICO kittens want homes.
671 W. Ind. Sch. Rd. "Fox Terrier DAY WORK.
32497. Get a True Picture CAM. WILL BRING ty THESE CARS DOOR wirehaired r931. GOOD pups. 9-' HALF days, colored.
3-5796. of Business and Professional Service "TIMEPLAN" Personal Loans to $300 Loa of Repav 12-Mos. Cost $100 $9.17 $10 FIRST NATIONAL BANK "TIMEPLAN HEADQUARTERS' 15 S. Central. Member F.
D. I. C. "I've Been Framed!" HALF dav. 307 West Buchanan.
3-9011. TWO SUPER LOTS 40 EGGS, POULTRY AND SLTPLIES CURTAINS laundered. "You can't 'hang it on me' that Through Ihe LUMBER BARGAINS 1 inch boards, all standard widths lengths shiplap per ft. 1-6 flooring or ceiling per ft. 2-4' and 2xfi' "-c per ft.
Reed Lumber Hdw. Co. 1442 E. Van Buren Ph. 3-3400 I didn't warn you to take ad-vnntnere of this miick 47 SALESMEN WANTED MALE FEMALE "WATER METERS" We carrv all sizes.
of NIAGARA service cuide that offers REPUBLIC 35 RED pullets, 15 weeks old. 55c each. Phone 9-4222. WANTED: heavy hens and fryers. 3-8163.
CAZETT1 better Business and Professional aids!" DIRECTORY BOOK Match Salesman's-Sideline Every store and business in Phoenix buys advertising book matches to increase business. You take orders. Your commissions in advance with orders are big. Rush your MOTOR CO. YOT 'R 7K EVP.OLET DEALER Sr-1 St.
Van Buren Phone 4-2282 Avt-. Van Buren Phone 4-2106 meters and a complete'-stock of repairs. Dials read like. a speedometer Ariz. Pump Supply Co.
125 N. 1st St. Ph. 3-3016 USINtSS If A Personal Loan Would Help You COME TO THE VALLEY NATIONAL BANK BE THRIFTY Try our THRIF-T laying mash. A good mash at a low price.
Order ahead for baby chicks. Reds and Rocks. We are headquarters for poultry remedies and supplies. Free book. Guaranteed batteries $2 exchange.
Banker. 1 337 E. Van Buren. 3-2674. CLOSE-OUT prices on Coolers.
$14.50 comrlcte. Special low price on blowers. Cut rate electricity cuts cooling cost. Five Points Cooler 743 Grand Ave. 3-9082.
COMPARE OUR PRICES name for free elaborate sales kit today. King Midas Match Co. 1559 Fishburn. Los Angeles. Calif.
FARM EQUIPMENT 35 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE F.STARMSHED rural route A I IX IHTlONLNCi Modernaire Equipment Co. 4-3974 Engineers. Contractors. 3S33 N. 7th GOLD SPOT HATtntKx Neil B.
1401 s. Central. AIDs Chalmers Farm Eoufn. 4-3159. Ph.3-5569; available.
We want a good man to 528 S. Central Ave. serve established customers on tne Repav Per Month 9.17 FRYERS. 4-1619. ALCOHOLISM South side.
Most up to date farm BORROW $100 $200 Used and Cull Lumber lc ft. Used FLOOR SANDING Old now WE WANT all your poult 1012 call. line in the world. No investment. Apply 206 S.
3rd Ave. 9 to 12. noors. winnows. iuu, nicdii.iQ -r Tl l.
i Wllt-'11' Phone 3-7351 PRICES SLASHED FOR Qt'ICK SALE r- Sedan Ished. Call for $18.34 $27.50 cstimatfs. 91153. A DISEASE TREATED ethically. Craving gone in 3 days.
Confidences respected. Local. HALCO SANATORIUM (Seclustvel Phs. 36671, 34751 PO Bx. 533.
Phx. $300 FRYERS, hens, dressed, del. 9648. WILL buv or mend vour broken SEE OUR DURABLE READY-CUT HOUSES Erected on vour lot $150 Up Westside Mill Box Co. 1625 W.
Jackson Phone 3-2 49- HELP WANTED MALE FIRS STORED, insured, cleaned-WnS $765 Idoll. The Doll Hospital. 320 N. mULTKlMEW 315 ALL TYrE LOANS Polly's Cafe. glazed.
Repaired, rclmed if desired. HERMAN. 402 N. Central. 3-7511.
DISH washer. S. 4th Ave. Typical Payments on 12 Mo. Loans You Can Borrow on Your Car At Any of Our 19 Offices You Need Not Be a Customer To Borrow Here INSTALLMENT LOAN DEPT.
$20 to $300 "The Friendly Way" FRIENDLY LOAN. 210 W. Adams. nth St. Consider the present price of eggs Bllildin0" Material land vour constant search for more tn vr, i profits Investigate the merit of Ro 1 roofing.
$1 to $2 Roll -ALLEY ALL PURPOSE RATION Galv. Corrugated Roofing $4.60 Sq.Vaev Lhr Co 1920 w. Van Buren. Cedar Shir-gles "sj in-' Poultry, Sfk. Supplies" WANTED, camenters.
State sal arv. exrjerience in first letter. Box FUNERAL DIRECTOR'S McLELLAN. Ph. 3-4823 SAND.
GRAVEL, GRANITE, ROCK FERTILIZER, SILT. DIRT. 34560 "COLDWAVE" Cooler AUTO LOANS 20-B. Republic and Gazette. 0 It.
DtUII OC't, -r YOUNG man for dairy work, wages. 15th J. T.Whitney Ph. 3-2703 Member F.D.LC Board, room, small 'i in Fivwooa. per ivv ri.j uimu ioi.
Finnell's'Lum. 1402 S. Cent. 4-4759 1 Pratt Feed Supply. 31 E.
Van Bur Osborn Road. Ave. and West Free Demonstration at your home. Use Cut-Rate Electricity TEMPERED AIR MFG. CO.
ALBERS Good Used Washers. $25 Up. FOR Poultry, Dairy 305 Professional Bldg. Hrs. 9 to 5 50- YOUR CAR IS ALL THE SECURITY YOU NEED $50 TO $1,000 1931 to 1940 Models Light Trucks and Out-of-State Cars 5 to 18 Months to Repav Carter Elec.
2a E. Adams. 611 S. Central Ave. Ph.
4-1310 and rabbit feed. Farmers Seed Feed. 301 YV. Jackson. HELP WANTED FEMALE HOUSEHOLD tiOOD.H MOVIXU CHAMBERS TRANS FFR AND STORAGE CO.
Moving Service lo and from Southern California. Ph. 4-4141. 301 S. 4th Ave.
MATTRESS RENOVATING Fumigating Largest Plant. 4-2508. FARMERS SECRETARY. 721 T. T.
Bldg. 41 FRUITS AND PRODUCE IF YOU NEED CASH IF YOUR PAYMENTS ARE TOO BIG, SEE US 15 Min. Service Pyts: Reduced Sed. New 4-rir. Sed.
New 4-dr. dio. Clean Inster ftl Clean Cpe. Sedan. New Ivvl.
Cpe. e. Clean Rvl. Sed. Clean Cpe.
'p. Clean 4-rir. Clean 1 Sedan Th 6 Sedan e. Clean Cruipe 4-dr. Sed.
Coupe Sed Cpe. -din ll-ie ian UPHOLSTERING Lawn Swing, Mattress, Inner Renovating. TERMS. Ph. 3-0909.
695 595 595 495 495 495 495 465 445 395 345 325 395 295 295 225 195 165 145 65 65 HOUSE MOVING GRAPES Lug or truck load. Bartlctt-Heard Ranch. 8 miles Southeast. 35952. MEXICAN girl, housework.
125 Jefferson. HOUSEKEEPER for widower. Stay nights. 1334 E. McKinley.
WHITE girl. Light housework. No laundrv or children. Stay nights. Box 22 and Gazette.
No Cosigners Strict Privacy HOUSE MOVER Ewine Mattress Co. 1804 Grand Ave. PAYMENTS REDUCED Consumers Credit Co. Div. of Pacific Finance 625 W.
Washington W. E. 131 W. Roos. 3-950.
Authorized Norge Service. 3-4413 Arizona Credit Co. 712 W. Washington Ph. 3-3105 on furniture iRADli your oid WILLiAMS Hse.
Moving move or ruy. H19 Lmirel. Ph 31618 45 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE renovating. new mattress or ALTO REPUK 808 E. 3-3346 LMIIAN JETVEIJl in exchange for part time office SUMMER VACATIONS Smith's work.
international torrespon RECONDITIONED Wholesale and retail. Art's Gem and" JjA-elry Washington. Charles Bock, La Salle. specialist at Manginos. 225 N.
1st St. Mai'OreboTing-Our- Specialty. STOCKMEN RANCHERS LUMBER DIRECT FROM THE TREE TO THE CONSUMER No Middleman's Profit UNLIM ITED QUANTITIES ALL FIRST QUALITY LUMBER 1x6 lxS 1x10 S1S2E 2x2 4x6 2xS 2x10 S4S At $30.00 Per Thousand In 1, 2, 3 COMMON MIXED This lumber is not the usual LOW GRADE type, generally offered at reduced prices. dence Schools. 369 N.
1st Ave. Aluminum Maytags with all the Are Here lAuto Loans Furn. Loans Don't let vour family suffer SEE US DON'T WORRY Repairs Refinancing Johnny Essex. 2000 E. Van Burn LUMBER A BlTLDIMi SUTrDf5 "CASH PAnnv'" EXPERIENCED waitress.
Mitchell's Sweet Shop. GENERAL housework, 10 to 4. SPECIAL RATES ON "SITUATIONS WANTED" ADS That the Republic and Gszptte may be of assistanre to those seeking positions thev accept advertisem*nts under "Situations Wanted'- classifications, rraie and female, from individuals at 50ri less than th pries tor any other classification. Ra'es "j'ie Per Word Per Day Minimum Oiarce 25 Cents Cash In Advanc exclusive Mavtag reaiures, $169.50 onlv New guarantee. Easy terms.
BARKER COLLEGE Flnneirs Cash Lumb Co. 1402 S. On VALLEi LLbtiKii. AMERICAN BARBER COLLEGE 516 S. Main.
Los Angeles, wants MATTRESS RENOVATING Valley Investment Co. 41 W. Jefferson. Ph. 4-5625 324 W.Wash.
Mavtag ring m. hoi ifn wnce 51- -HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE men to learn barber trade. Write Katti ess renovating. Ph. 3-67l nuhrie Mattress 432 S.
1st St. Cars To Choose From Mattress renovating, ii Co. 1721 E. Vran Buren Ph 4-4857. i CO BEAUTY CULTURE Exn.
3-4301 Southwest Matto.7jlOE. Wash. Mattresses renovated hv aonit.J DIST. AYE. AND MONROE 35 S.
Cent. Luhrs Hotel Bldg. 4-1069 PAINTING, kalsomining. enameling, free estimates. Reliable, licensed.
Movitz. 3-2779. CESSl'OOLS" PUMPED. $5.00. 4-23S5.
LOANS EASY TO GET MAN and wife to milk 65 cows. 3-0893. methods. Fumicator user! LOWRY'S Sch. of Leauty Culture, Verner's Bargains Elect, sewing machine like new.
$40 Table model radio -j? Victrola Verner Furniture Co. S03-S07 N. 7th St. Phone 3-S594 l-niimiteri Parking Up To 300 pring If desired. Lgst plant.
43405 Before you buy Look this lumber over Be Your Own Judge 52 EDUCATIONAL 27 S. 1st Fox Theater Bldg. 3j-3466 Pnoenlx Academy cf Beauty Cul On Furniture. Autos, Trucks, CESS POOL pum -ing. 46586-95232 YOI'N'C man with college degree METAL SPRAYING GREGG SHORTHAND SCHOOL.
ture. 210-218 N. 1st St. Ph. 3-bUUl.
Grinding. Precision Fn! Tractors, etc. Salaries or Co-signer YOU WILL LIKE OUR DOUBLE-QUICK SERVICE Free Catalog. 140 S. Central.
desires work of anv kind. Box 92-A. Bookkeeping, etc. Renuiilie nnd C.a7ette. Placement Service.
i T) ARIZONA BEAUTY COLLEGE 915 North 3rd St. Ph. 4-2440 gineering Co. 1321 S. Cent.
'Voull In A C. Be Happier liter Used Car Glass Picture framiiiKiwcstSlflC VlHI CC DOX V-O. Window Artists MONEY TO LCiA.N Beware of soliciting agents! See the schools befo-e you enroll. Jackson St. Ph.
3-2161 suppne. 1625 W. CARPENTER Repairing. Reasonable. Ward.
4-3040. fnr InhnOn BEAUTY SHOPS It.H 1M 11:3 i easy t0 et- Winship Plan. women and ELOUEST PAINT CO. "dhvtivc vnp WANTED at once, 11 ix. central nnnrinxk uix- Ph.
3-0515) PAYNE Gas circulator heater, Reg. $2.50 perms. SI. 25. Martinez Beautv Shop.
1304 E.V.Buren,41072 WINSHIP'S Flat Pavment Plan TWENTY MONTHS YOU RECEIVE REPAY WIUH. 146 E. Adams Packard and Dinette set with corner cabinet. alii I l.ll Lvy.iu LESS. 9-1961.
"ENAMELING. Painting. Kalso- igirls for practical nursing course. iGraduates earn good salary. Sum-Imer rates.
711 E. Culver. MdortlClANS tvrnvniTIONED blowers GUAR, oil" perms. $125 complete. 3-8520 new.
aiso gnoa mnow i-omh-i. for, Seniors up. Oliver Beauty, 33 S. 1st Ave. 4-1571 un.
n. a. bCHELL. 46 E. Wa.h.
accurately fltfert 5 5.63 Per Mo. 1 ARlZONASCHOOL of Commerce's 80.00 1 ARIZONA Cnnl-prs. specials $12.95 e.aut iful grav fin-''I'-nt condition, i-pendable per-tha! nu will en- I LEAVING Must sell Record JJ. Snampoo K. W.
50c Mary Carter 140.00 9.85 Per Mo. Accredited Commercial Schoo HAVE amp. electric acetylene Vew oav Sit' i r. c.r.i'w. Ph.
3-5540 I'AIN TIN AS DECORA Tl XI Van Buren 200.00 14.07 Per Mo. 610 610 W. XEW complete rftr0 17.59 Per Mo. Self setting uerms liOii CUSHMAN. Ph Si.l79'!mra 3-5105 Ph.
portable welder, want work, whole ENROLL NOW FOR FALL TERM ion or bv dav. Also A-l mechanic Air-Cooled Ellis Bldg. Ph. 3-4481 and machinist. Go any place.
Box AVlATION training. Good jobs Arizona. m.Biifv' TTiim- a erv special 1 at $595' iii v. Washington changing radio. $35; Automatic water heater.
$35: 1929 Packard Coupe, eood condition. $65. 4002 N. Second St. 21.11 Per Mo.
11 E. Adams. Capitol. 3-342 26 ys- in Phoenix. 806 W.
Madison. Short cATpfli-TCE. $95 Victor ALL OTHER AMOUNTS IN S. used less man i 1 I VUI uuiu'ij "ui'i u'nvp Radio. 19: 1'KLVTLNU SAME PROPORTION CESSPOOLS din-.
(. onnected. Lid. inatie.n nf salesmen at his commis 702 W. Portland.
rraplane N- A i REPUBLIC AZ E'rr f.i r-i For week day specials. Ph. 4-4919 Cray's Beautv Shop. 16 S. Central OIL PERMANENTS S2.50 Ada Allen.
28 W. Monroe. Ph. 3-8237 3 months 208 VV. Adams.
Ph 1111 nge. 55Jh3S520. rangei Good gas and and car. PIANO. Kelvinator.
2o cycle, mi---cellaneous furniture. 1101 West Camelbaek Rd. New 6.2 Refrigerator A d-: J1 L-TELNSURANCE Recormo svstcm. BARGAIN orthlp. maker P.
A- .5375 AETNA INVKtMFOTnrTtr 141 N. 2nd Ave. Prion. A.nito S69.50. Ph- 38520.
Olive Oil $1.75 Doris. 31 E. Monroe. Phone 3-0334 GUARANTEED perms for fine hair Dorothy's. N.
Central. 3-4056. -w I 0 i ii hpater. White enam- Only $SS No Dwn. Payment.
Si per Spread dirt. SI 00 foot net jS rPfioctd in our new low pieted. Lopez, 3l4ll. i tuition prices 4 weeks, complete SPRAY painting. Phone 39652 rivpt ing course, 547.50 8 weeks or 9-4768.
aircraft metal fabrication 587.50 (-pqqpOOLS complete. Phone time payments if desired. "Skilled uniTO Imen wanted to helD build airplanes. tvnr5rT' it-nnccii i Must be rhvsically and mentally EXPERTon remodeling. Licensed schQol w- contractor.
Needs work. Ph.3-4, osethat of thor. ATTENTION. Smoky wallSjOUgn training. You are invited to cleaned by expert.
Phone4-447. 'fake our tree qualifying examina- CESSPOOIS, COMPLETE, Sljtion. Write for preliminary blanks per ft. 42385 today. Prepare now for future se- month.
Privileged to repay at anytime. Interest charged only for the actual time money is used. Pay off your burdensome bills and meet emergencies with an easy-to-pav loan, WINSHIP LOAN PLAN 219 GOODRICH BUILDING No. 14 North Central Ave. PHONE 3-5107 Phoenix, Arizona irvsier "live Sedan.
New paint. Radio. ago. Seat covers. RADIO REPAIRING Free repair est when brouFhtln" City Radio 506 E.
Wash. 4-3636 el gas range. 6 ft. electric refrigerator. PC dinms set.
3 re u- Appliance Dept. GUAR. Oil Perms. $1 25 complete. Ellis Beauty.
113 W. Monroe 38633 guarantee, a few left. yr. Just Ph. your order nnch SCI.
dio N--i-' blower drawers, ini new top. A sweer chest Oil Perms. Guar. $1.75 S3 15 Montgomery ard Co. 1st and Adams Sts.
Ph. 45587 i tvne rociier. i-v Powder PuU. 17 E. Wash.
P. 3-4709 REFRIG ERATlONMCRTTciE" Installation and repair service Karlson. 1754 VV TRANSFER STORAGE camp beds: sacri- AlTO tent, fice. 9-1232. BUSINESS tX)LLEGES icuritv.
Aviation iraining insiiiuie, 2845 West 7th Los Angeles. OUR FIRM Has sold used tires for 7 years. Same place, same people, same "WViorD hnv with Britannica. motor fan. COX COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS 918 N.
6th St. Phx, 79 N. Stone Tuc "encyclopedia Hich sneed SLOAN E'S Transfer Storage Co 95 90 75 60 25 paerhanging. plas-r work, the right way. Bayles' 96596.
"PAINTER, irst class, needs work. Will work reasonably and guarantee satisfaction. Phone 3-45. iJIiC. equity tto j.
Dun 'r-Err-lrg-rTrPTT- IIH -sorbin WE DEVELOP INVENTIONS Hawley Mitchell. Ph. 3-393 home rv or hn T)H. S800 on Bus. College Ph.
4-2991 312 Heard Bldg. -Vis zi tiucnanan st Ph. 3-7209. Warehouse Ci 425 L. Jack.
Free estimates. 3-2178. PHONE 4-4141 PHON2 rdan this good investm't see F. D. Lane, 115 W.
Monroe lA-MSON BUSINESS COLLEGE 34 Central Day or Night 3-7423 Profitable asbestos plaster busi- CONCRETE, plastering, roofing. new. aence. Lawn Chairs george-s tire shop AriTona Pine, stronz and durable. Ph.
3-5692 All built up and assembled. COOLERS ON EASY TERMS Sl.50 each, no tax. coolers complete. 525 value, now WESTSIDE MILL mja cu. Real pretty designs, good for 1655 W.
Jackson "irEi service up to 2 or 3 rooms. C-rEX EVENINGS TILL 9 iTT Ti7r TiATAn fO work. Your ness, sell or trade. Ph. 3-4719.
carpentenng. bnck MOVING STORAGE CAitPET CI.EANERS Ask About Our Nation-wide CASH RESERVE CREDIT CARD price is mine. 3-5241. CARPENTER. RAN PO RT A Tl ON Cleaners.
Est Ph. Sizing 3-6609. Dobbs Carpet Storing. Free WANTED PARTNERSHIP Have S500 to 51000 to invest. AUTO COURT GAS STATION see it.
S1500 handles. jMr. LEWIS. Kellogg 29 W. Monroe WORK, anything.
ar -w" ii. rr hiii', AERO MA YFLO WER TRANSEP CO. Coast to Coast Moving Service Phone 4-4141 301 SL 4th a5T by Hood LU3IbLM cntdp demonstrated. Blower LICENSED carpenter worK CESSPfKJlrt Ave. Van Buren AND 10S E.
Van Buren PHONE 3-6781 Good for S25 to $300 Immediately Without Red Tape. Good at Home or When Traveling. ct. Phone 3-8911. 13 Per Linear at rrai bargains.
ft. o.ow- hour or contra HOTEL 53 rms. Centrally located. Modern all rms. air cooled.
CESSPOOLS, septic tanks, pumped State-wide serv. Barthelemy 4-23K5 TYPEWRITERS j1- Posts er tvre coolers. None better, for crvTT-fv G. painting, dec- 55842 able, reliable. SBarb Wire, ron.
only SoO. ee tnem, con- Roason Bargain at S40O0. Com in or phone T. C. Kirkpatrick rnrvTHV Innrh heer ahout a rn' cn ELECTRH CONTRACTOR 4-6405.
"All- v.ttinc 2" mesh $X1Q rt riVr a-. PLASTERING Sales and rentals Repair all makes W. F. FETTERLY -AGENT Remington Typewriters Addlna Machines. 128 S.
OatrtU. Ph. 32664 Bonded Elec- S6000 in fix. Will sell all for rbKbUIWVu l.N A.N sfchreck Electnc Co. kalsominins, 13.00 irttifact urine 1521 E.
Van- PAiNIING. A Fnrrf nirtim 1929. 'cVv POINTS I Horeiand. 30047. H.
H.CREAGER 509 N. CENTRAL 1 909 T. T. mag. fn.
-4 -2S54. room. overhauled. 50. ld.
TT. Clin Ph. 3-4413. Buren. Pn.
3-791 I 1 1 1 I. 'Ijoua Rd.