A A A 1 11-Furniture For Sale PIECE Duncan Porte room mite. 1621-23rd. MOST sell this week: Frikidatre, Radio. room suite. living room suite, platform rocker.
floor 1400 D. K85 range. dinette suite. Binger sewing machine. 1206 A-23rd.
Phone 2-2281 DINETTE set with extension table. rood 50 15. Sce refrigerator. Phone 2-8056: 2 BEDROOM suites, divan and chair. writing desk.
breakfast table and shairs. Dial 2-4815. SERVEL ELECTROLUX 8-FOOT. GOOD AS NEW GOOD ESTATE GAS RANGE POLL SIZE TABLE TOP SEE AT 7215 23RD OR DIAL 4808 INCH INLAID LINOLEUM $2.00 Square Yard Edler Furniture 1515 19th Dial 7202 TO HIGHEST BIDDER rooms of furniture. Includes 1 Ft.
Prigidaire. BR suite. LR Suite, and stoves. 2001 RUBY ST. after 5 D.
m. AND BOLD Thompson Furniture Hdwe 1713 Ave Dial 8001 MILLER FURNITURE 1932 Are. used furniture, We WABI Er bay vous used furalture DIAL 1992 NEW AND USED New Studio Couch $49.50 Heavy Platform Rocker $27.50 New Dinette Suite $39.50 BUTLER FURNITURE Phone 3-8700 210 College Hoyt Furniture Co. Where you're always welcome 115 N. COLLEGE DIAL 2-5730 HAROLD GRIFFITH FURNITURE 110 M.
COLLEGE DIAL 2-5755 Top Prices For Used Furniture KELNER Furniture Appliance Co. 1309 Tea Dial 5173 AN EXTRA BEDROOM When You Need It SOFA BED with full innerspring struction, tapestry upholstering, opens into a bed has bedding compartment for blankets, pillows, etc. Regular $69.50. Special Now. $39.50 Terms Arranged HEATH FURNITURE CO.
1211 13th Dial 5795 19-Livestock For Sale FULLS to Joan Write owner. Attorney Walter Allen. Borger, Texas. NICE PAINT horse, nice for RrOWnads children. For sale cheap.
Call 6148 or See at Avaion Stables. ATTENTION FARMERS STOCKMEN very finest cured 200 fresh pork of your OWN raising mate LOO tender lard LUBBOCK PACKING CO. Phone 4674 07 1-1253 KEETON PACKING CO. Free removal of dead borses, cattle and hogs Dial collect See Us For KEETUN'S WESTERN BRAND TANKAGE Supplies JATTERY fed forers. 1302-28th.
Bar us for Baby Chicks creating Or aniline Docks QUALITY. HATCHERY 1129 Ave. 8 Dial 2-2753 MARTED English White ratharr straight sunk Also started co*ckerels for prollera MURPHREY'S HATCHERY 1904 Ave A Phone hU22 POULTRY EGGS WANTED prices paid delivered to ou1 Stent No 1 light BeDs 216 DeT lb No heaVy beDs No Springs -38c No old roosters 130 Grade A eXC 380 007 do: Get the most out of your TOD PRODUCE IT--WE WANT W. M. HALL PRODUCE CO.
1219 4ve Phone 1441 19-B-Rabbits and Pets FOR SALE: Black co*cker 'aupples. 2306-10th. Dial 2-7302. REGISTERED COLLIE DUDS. Bent bloodlines.
0001 C. Word. Whiteface Texas. BEAUTIFUL puppies, males 35.00. Females 13.00, Excellent Dela.
At 310 Ave. W. POPPIES for sale. half collie. half Shepherd.
3 miles South on Monroe Are. Quarter West. Phone 11F4. 121-Misc. For Sale SINGER RE- BUTLI Cabloets, motors racostats, parta repairs, A all MAkes buttonhole strachements CITY SEWING A MACHINES TERMS 1908 Ave.
Phone 2-6186 Adsustable type hospital redsteade and mattresses for rent or cale BLACKWELL MATTRESS CO. 2510 Texas Ave DIR: 7969 MAC AUSTIN CO. SAWS Hallow Chisels Sanding Belts Woodworking supplies Welders for real 1308 Ave a Dial 4172. CADILLAC BUICK IRRIGATION ENGINES LUBBOCK ENGINE SALES 07 Texas Dial 2-8046 Armatrong Warehouse Electrolux Vacuum Cleaners NOW AVAILABLE AT PRE- WAR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ROY CORNELIUS 2020 8th 81 DIRt 2-2411 Yard Fences 10 ft. sectiona-3 nigb $4,80 high $5,60 high $6.50 6 It nigh $7.50 Pickets sawed to order Al: kinds of fencing lumber McCOLLUM WOOD WORKS 1107-5th D121 2-2886 New Kirby Vacuum Cleaners REXAIRS $35.01 SANITIZORS $35.00 REPAIRS ON ALL MARES We rent new cleaners SIDES VACUUM CLEANER CO 1942 l'exas Ave.
Dial 2-6051 FOR SALE MAStER washers The only authorized Maytag dealer in Lubbock SHERROD HARDWARE CO. NEW GALVANIZED PIPE 1-Inch, 119-Inch 2 inch 21-Inch, 3-inch, and 4-Inch NEW 16-INCH CABING CENTRAL PIPE SUPPLY CO. AVE. 8. GARAGE 12 24.
Small down payment. Balance Monthly JACK M. WEST LBR. CO. Ave.
H. Phone 1-2218 Irrig. Casing Water Well casing. Now and used pipe New and used angle tron. ntc.
Highest prices paid (or scrap Iron and metal. LUBBOCK PIPE METAL CO. 1817 Ave A Dial 6002 VENETIAN BLINDS Steel, Aluminum or Wood made to order. retail or wholesale WA also recondition old blinds. No orders ton large or too small.
APEX VENETIAN BLIND CO. 1603 AVE. J- TEL. 7173 LOBBOCK. TEXAB FOR SALE Section Harrows raw co-devlis TOW Crust Busters Ditchers Chattin Ditchers THOMPSON IMPLEMENT CO.
Abernathy Testa Your Appreciated KEYS MADE FOR ALL LOCKS Call our service car for lock trouble Hand saws and circle saws Illed and set, Retoolhed. And new handles. Good New and Used sates in stock. We buy and sell runs. PANGBURN SAFE LOCK CO.
2432 Ave. H. Dial 5032 PRICED FOR QUICK SALE Husman 10 ft. electrie meat dispiry case Walk-in meat box. 6 8 ft.
American meat slicer National meat grinder Dry vegetable rack and Saland counter Checking stand, complete Sanitary electric grocery scale Toledo electric for meat case (All above cauipment like Dew.) 2 drug display counters 2 ton Dodge truck de 29 ft, Hobbs trailer 2 tor. Dodge Bobtail truck Nutting warehouse trucks (All new stock Sweeps and all hardware at wholesale. Feed, Seed Grain Co. 14th Ave. G.
12 blocks south Post orticel Lubbock, Texas Menl choppers; alicine machines. for all purposca: power meet RAMS cube steak machines MeRl cases; Walk-in Boxes: Freezer doxes Prigidmint Boxes Vegetable cases; Self Serv. ice Wall Tape Machine And Tape Blocks: Butches er Paper: Market Cutlery: Stoves Booths Chairs' Colter pot: etc. New. Csed ADd Ra-nuilt carried 1n stock.
We have Che prices to suit the and the tall Torms to suit the rich and the poor) RICKETTS BUTCHER AND RESTAURANT SUPPLY 123 Ave. Ph 4463 Night Ph 6162 Johnson Cotton duster 6 Simplex cotton dusters McCormick Deering Home Freezer 2 ft Tandem Disc Harrow 2 12 ft. Krause plow ton used IRC Truck ft. Krause Plow One super A Formall Tractor. Two tour section harrows, LUBBOCK IMPLEMENT CO.
Your McCormick Derring Dealer 1007 Ave a FOR RENT Three New Hilco FLODI Sanders Hilgor Floor Edger Large Commercial Roterv (loor Polisher And tWO houschald sizes. I BOWMAN LUMBER COMPANY 618 13th Street Phone 5718 21-Miac. For Sale LARGE baby bURRy cheap. 2416-13th. SEVERAL Rood used GAR for sale.
DAYRBIDS. Sherrad Hard ware 13tt Avenue J. NEW AND USED singer sewing chines. controls, cabinets. machines remaired.
1517 19th St Ph 8172. NEW it. Krause Used very little. $400.00 A. K.
Cook, Smyer. TRAILER house 18 ft, mile south Five Point Theatre, on silde road. Hillerest Addition, S. Vaught. FOR GALVANIZED and black pipe see Dan Harris evenings 4000 Over.
tan Drive. received shipment of dem Ben Jem sewins machines are dew In portables consolas and desk mod els No registering now available RIPLEY BEWING MACHINE EX CHANGL 2217-19th NEW FORDS and Ferruaond, new or used with or without equipment. 46 G. fully equlpped Over head Ford cotton loaders and ditcher blades. Wheat drills, 16-10.
16-8. 12-10. International. John Deere. and Oliver.
2347 38 Ford car on terma. Ed Holcomb 19th. Phone 5891, GOOD electric refrigerator for sale, Phone 2-1622, 75 POUND Metal Ice box. $30.00. 310 Ave.
U. FRESH ronating E. Lokay Just east of 5 point Theatre on 34th. LARGE show CAsc. See at 610 Main or 5161.
HOUSE trailer for sale or trade. Sce at 2808 Allen St. 24. FT. Watson tralter house.
new paint, new tirea. Weidine torch. All 10r $850.00. South on drive one block, turn cant 2 streets. turn back right to end of street.
J. E. Duff. PRACTICALLY new 10 MM and sound AT silent Movie Mite Protector screen with carriak cases. Call 5687.
FULL SET of ward-ever, aluminum. also preato cooker. for sale at a bar- gain. 1508-Ave. W.
WILK IRON AND METAL ALWAYS BUYING IRON AND METAL HIGHEST PRICES PAID pound or a carload" 2501 Ave. Dia! 759: FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY JOHN DEERE 4-Row JOHN DEERE 8 Row Cotton Dusters FORD IMPLEMENT CO. Your John Deere Dealer 1902 Avenue Dial 2-3301 FOR SALE 419 cushion bottom theatre seats $5.00 each. TECH THEATRE 1211 College Avenue, Lubboca CAFE FIXTURES, EQUIPMENT Everything Ic the Cate 10 01 direct factory shipment. We have picked the fineat lines 10 the Industry.
VIa1t our showroom today. let 11A furnish vou plans for your non rentNo Job too LarKa or too small atrant re-modeling Our 15 Fears in the Restaurant bum tness help us garve you Sen Our Stock of fTsed Couloment Associate Member StAte Rostaurant Association McGUIRE SALES CO. 1602 10th Fraser McGuire. Owner Phons 2-6506 Night 2-6100 FARM EQUIPMENT 3 4 row matters MoWers DIad Section Harrows Grain Loaders Used Joha Deere Cultivalor. ELMS EQUIPMENT 303-19TH 6T.
TOM FRENCH COMPANY PLUMBING ROG3 STOVES. 1937 AVENUE DIAT. 6127 CHARCOAL OAK WOOD Just received Cargo shipment. Charcoal. Charcoal Briquetts and dry 04k wood.
Also la stock BEST GRADE Oxianoma Wubed Smithinx con And Colorado Nut Washed prick and plaster sard Washed remix and concrete gravel Cement planter and stusco. Please Note NEW LOCATION G. F. Hill Supply Co. 710 26th Street AI 1479 SYPHON TUBES 2 inch by 5 foot Aluminum syphon tubes for Irrigation.
Sturdy built. Medium Weirht, In lots of 20 or more. Price eA $1 65 FARM STORES, INC. Phone 2-3033 1956 Ave. G.
400 South Columbia Lubbock Plainview WARD'S ROTARY SCRAPER in your best buy in a rotary scraper today, It takes toughest earth moving 1obs-Has features found In expencive models. Compare before vou buv. 4 It bowl 95 It bow! 50 WARDS FARM STORE ATTENTION FARMERS AVERY TANDEM DISC We NOW have In stock several tandem disc 6, 7 and 8 ft. Get Fours today At WARDS FARM STORE Your 8. F.
Avery Dealer ONE THING End Re. agree on Is RESULTS from Avalanche-Journal WANT-ADS. (21-A-Articles For Rent Rent trailer, 2 or 4 wheel Paint spray gun Cement mixer CARVER'S GARAGE 1 MI. East of P. on Broadway Phone 6947 NiChE 5978 FOR RENT FLOOR SANDERS VACUUM CLEANERS FLOOR POLISHERS NEWSOM PAIN AND SUPPLY NO.
4 1032 Broadway Phone 6801 L958 Texas Dial 4112 VENETIAN BLINDS CUSTOM IN FLEXALUM WOOD-STEEL. Levolor Keeps venetian oltnd cords level Gocd Rcusekeepine real Estimates cheerfully made No don Over 10 VENT-0-LITE VENETIAN BLIND MFG. CO D1AJ S-5RRS 1108 25th Street ALUMINUM AWNING CO. "LIFE LONG" Residential Commercial Canopies As Aluminum porches FREE ESTIMATES 1714 BROADWAY DIAL 8601 Gustafsen guaranteed proof Cotton Duster for any make or model tractor now available. E.
K. Hufstedler Son Your Ford Tractor Dealer Ave. Dial 4359 22-Wanted To Buy WANTED, to you rent Are piano moving by or the do not need your piano and have a onably good one. Call 2-2554 E. L.
McCollum. 23-Board and Room ROOM and board tor three DATE ML 1306 Ave. N. Call 2-9470. 000D FARMILY Atyle meals.
onable. 2322 10th. Phone 2-4770. ROOM and BOARD tor mud and boys All conveniences orients nome Or bustine Dial 3-5089 2513 Maple 23-A-Bus. Prop.
For Rent warc STORAGE house. aver 10.000 square feet space available in al: Cont space, reasonable rates. Call or write Global Corporation. 2211 Ave. G.
DInI 4320. OFFICE Bills Space, paid Alr $37.50 month. Ph. conditioned. Tile 2-6046 or Apply at 1806 10th.
OFFICE space for rent on Broadway DIAl 6542. FOR RENT or Lease. Office space 1500 block Broadway. Very Able, Dial 2-5862, BUSINESS bulling anitable for aral different kinda of In. formation AL Ava.
O. Phone 3-4412. This bullding in onchalf block nit main street. DOWNTOWN Ground floor. office Available August 1.
Dial 4232. DOWN TOWN Well located retail district PHONE 8285 0. W. McLEOD DIAL 8285 FOR RENT Several Air conditioned offices, and small business space, in new bullding at 804 Ave. J.
E. Z. HOGAN Din. 6872 res 7183 For sale or lease. Business bullding on Ave.
Q. Will remodel in suit ent. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 19D3 AY e.Q. Phone 2-5503 24-Furnished Houses VERY NICE 3 room house. close 131.
sell furniture. Call 2-4347 after 3. FRASIER Trading Camp. cast of Overton church. $7.00 per month.
OT two small children. AVC. CABIN for rent. Ta Couples with one DImI 2-7376. 24-A-Unfurn.
Houses 2 ROOM Fours on 37th St. in crest Add. Near 5 Point Theatre. K. Cook.
TWO ROOM unfurnished modern houses, No children or pets. Inquire at 2709 North 6th. 25 -Bedrooms For Rent NICE garage bedroom, private bath. nice furnitura, Man only, Dial 9123. WANT GIRL to share bedroom.
nrlvate entrance. 1220 9th. Phono 2-2093. LARGE South bedroom private entrance. adJoining bath.
Emploved couple 1812-15th. NICELY furnished ARTARC nedroom Ar.d bath. man or boys only, 2011 BEDROOM outside entrance. Ink bath. 1409 8th.
Phone 2-2015. COOL bedroom. Comfortablv fu: nished. One or couple. Phone 5200.
GARAGE bedroom for rent. Men only. 1607-27th. WORKING airla, private home. Cull After 5 Weak days.
1930-13sh. 2-3207. BEDROOM for two men only. Private entrance. 2011 Mnin.
BEDROOM. Floors carpeted Near Tech and Busline. 7701 32nd Phone 2206. ROOMS by day, week OF month Green Hotel Phone and single bedrooma. close in working people.
Call after 5:30 1412 Main SOUTHEAST bedroom. private trance. twin beds. 2218-ath. Dial 3-8292.
BEDROOMS. shower and subs. LAVA: tory in all zoom. Maid service. 2406 Main.
LOVELY front rooni private trance. Nice Deton or couD.o. Ph 2-371k. BEDROOM for working xirl, 1010 AVE M. SOUTHWEST bedroom.
desirable home for single gentleman or ployed couple. 2102 15th. PRIVATE entrance, adjoining bath men only, 1902-7th. Dial 8P2A. BEDROOM, kitchon DrIVIARCA, 1601- 19th.
Phone 6706. CLOSE IN. private entrance. adioins bath, large, cool BEDROOMS. for quiet emploved men.
Walking distance. 1520 Ave. K. BEDROOM wIth kitchen privileges. Ladies cr couples preferred.
2500 25th. Dial 2-3333. (26-Furnished Apts. LARGE 1 room apartments. Daily and weekly rates.
Apt. Courts. Esst Broadwav. 2 furnished apartment to couple. 2305-38th.
26-A-Unfurn. Apts. 2 ROOM unfurnished. private crs. couple.
No children or bets. J712 North 1st. NEW duplex. suitable for couple. F'loor furnace and wall benters, Inquire at Gulf Station.
4th College. APARTMENT for rent. Apply 13th Bc. after 8 A. M.
27-Wtd. Houses YOUNG couple with well trained baby need three or four room Apartment. Call Joe. 4326. FAMILY of three need 2 bedroom unfurnished house OT apartment Dy August 1st.
Permanent, references. Call 9331. Room 1013. WANT TO RENT 2 bedroom unfurnished house or apartment. Flove McDonald.
2-6532 or 8516. PERMANENT Business man would like to LeAse bedroom nome in South West Lubbock, Phone 5401. s100 TO $125 monthly rental fo: Dr 6 room unfurnished house SW cion by manuger insurance compuny office. wife And 9 year old girl. Phone 3-5982.
SETTLED couple with one child gently need 4 or 5 room unfurnished house. present landlord selling house Guarantee excellent care of property present Can furnish references from landlord Call 2-6852. LOCAL buxiness man wants years' lease or. two bedroom home. No children or pets.
Six months rent in advance. Call 2-2027 or 6011. ment. YOUNG Tech References furnished. Phone couple desirca Browning at 8647.
MIDDLE aged couple desires 6 room unfurnished duplex or house. CAll 2-1111 HENRY English of Pop's Farm Ranch Store urgently needs or 6 roo.n unfurnished house. Excellent care assured. Phone 4443 or 8133. YOUNG couple with infant desires nice 1.
bedroom house in Rood 1 cion. Call Price 2-4450 or 5313. ARMY officer. wife and child would like to tense or rent 2 07 3 bedroom unfurnished house or apartment. Preferably SW Lubbock.
will take 8541 celler.t care of property. Phone Extension Military Sclence Department. TECH Couple. Veteran desires furnished No children, Phone 2-5170 P. M.
STUDENT and working wife need fur. or unfurnished apartment, private bath, no children pets, Call Mrs. Huling 5503 between 8 5, TECH VETERAN, furnished wife and house or child EDATt- need 3 or 4 ment. Excellen: care guaranteed. ROOd references furr.Ished.
Dial 7505 after D. m. TECH veteran and emploved wife twO in desperate need of small duplex. house, room aparament or furnish. ed.
Please Call 2-3579. WANTED: 2 or 3 room furnished apartment in stendy Lubbock. lob. No Phone children 29-M 110 Anton. pets.
A Texas. Mr. Eugene Williams. TECH instructor needs four room tember. furnished Write apartment, J.
D. Sadler. 804 W. starting Austin. Texas.
ATTENTION LANDLORDS FREE RENTAL SERVICE (1 you nave Douse or an apartmon: for rent why worry with chone calls A110 extra expense We have the xied of tenant vou want at no or obligation to vou We will show your apartment or or house addresses gou riven pre for. No until we have definite prospective tenant for place LOBROCK RENTAL SERVICE 2416 13th a 4. Dini Lo 2-9731 6 0, ICE Office WankdnyA 27-B-Farms Wanted WANT TO RENT OR LEASE By Lubbock business man, 160 acre irrigated tarm. Must be good. Will work place right Call 2-2171 28-Bus.
Prop. For Sale fabhock. 3 small noUnen. Contact INCOME property and lot off 4th owner 655 South 5th. Siaton.
Phone 250W. BUBINES8 10: for sale. 210 North College. Phone 6028. WILL TRADE For farm or ranch nest Lubbock: unit Tourist Court: Four units modern.
five unila semi-moderni 6 room modern home. small groserv, $8000 Joan can be assumed. West Walnut Street Land Rogers. Afk, FOR SALE TRACKAGE PROPERTY :50 fl. on 27th DotwnEd FEN Private rallroad aiding Worth Denver.
Arnlable In IotA :42 fear deedwith private trackaze. Idea! for wholesale dietribu. tors. storage. Industrial or manufact turing field suDDlY houses.
Close fo. A. KORNFELD CENTRAI. PIPE SUPPLY CO. 2611 Ave Dial S85: Box 1466 Lumbock.
Tex. FOR SALE CHERI CASA APARTMENT 46 UNITS $1800.00 MONTHLY INCOME $160.000.00 S. P. MORROW 1406 MAIN DIAL 8194 28-A-Bus. Prop.
Wanted WANTED to lease a building for small business. Write box 25 Avalanche. 29-Houses For Sale FOR BALE by owner: 5 roam house. LAYHe rooms. Attached garage.
$0.000. FHA loan. Price 511.500.00. Conalder wood CAT on deni. Located 2021-32nd St.
BY OWNER: Pre- WAr FRA 4. room and bath. Newly decorated. fenced back yard. floor.
furnace, 2414-6th. Phone 9058. TRAILER house for sale, bargain $276.00 will handle. Come 10 Texas Ave. Phone David Goodson 4466.
FOR SALE One of the finest ranch style homes in Lubbock, bed rooms. 4 baths. only $42000.00. One of the nicest and most modern 5. room homes.
$12000.00. Well located 6 room house. three blooks cast of Tach. $12000.00. 12 lots ACrOSA the street from the new mite the future Lubbock Momoral Hospital, no restrictions, $18000.00.
TOM SAWYER REALTOR Weaver Bide. Dial 7232 or A125 29-Houses For Sale PIANOS Trade your old piano in op DE0 the world famous Sboninger Ivers and Pond. Kohler and Campbell and Stars Spinet pianos, 1.0 walnut. hogang, and blonde with tinishes at prices from $595.00 up. bench, delivered Terms if desired A nice selection of used pianos priced reasonable.
LIVELY'S PIANO STORE Exclusive Piano Stare" 1308-A Ave. Q. Dial 9851 Lubbock Texas LEAVING TOWN. $150.00 piano for sale $90.00. 47th Ave.
G. See MornInes. POLITICIANS give WAN promises Rive you RESULTS. SPECIAL ON NEW PIANOS Beautiful Wurlitzer Spinet Plano. Walnut finish Regular Price $775.00 Reduced Price $695.00 Beautiful Wurlitzer Spinet PIRAO Maboranz finish Regular Price $755.00 Reduced Price $675.00.
Beautiful Leater Betsy Ross Spinet Walnut finish Regular Price $780.00 Reduced Price $710.00. Beautiful Lester Bats: Ross Spinet, Louis VX Furniture Figured Walnut Cane Regular Price $780.00 Reduced Price $710.00. No trade-ina OD these prices. Those prices are made in order La give us room far a carload shipment In transit. B.
E. ADAIR MUSIC CO. 1012 Main Street Texas Wa have several used all and ready ta deliver one refinished Hamilton grand in RODd condition. Easy Corms and (rep Sellverv. ALSO plenty of new Lesters Betsy Ross.
Wurlitzer rad those (ine French Pianos. 1306 Avenue Dial 20-A-Radios RADIO SERVICE ZENTTA HEADQUARTERS Otber come radios repaired NUNN ELECTRIC 1112 Ave. 4 DIRJ 6313 21-Misc. For Sale FOR SALE: New 16 ft. Oliver wheut drill, D.
J. Jordan, 1 mile south, 6 cast Moadow, CANDY FLOSS machine, also tent top. All in perfect condition. Sell at 8 bargain, Adams, Post, Texas. SALE OR TRADE Shoe shot epulnment.
New Patch machine and skivertriumer. Phone 8250. 2340 19th, 49 H. P. UTI Tractor.
Weight 10.000 18. Dual Wheels. Geared 2.3 CD 12.5 Massey Harris House. W. M.
Harrold. Brownfield. Texas. SUNBEAM mixmaster. used but good shape.
10 Speed. 1606 Avc. Phone 2-1500. DE CATERPILLAR tractor for shiv, completely rebuilt now crank shaft. bearings, pistons, rings.
everything in A1 condition. Call 2-5929 or write C. A. Deen 315 South West Chestnut Portaler. Now Mexico, REA WIRING de Plumbing supplies All the neces.
SAY material to do the 1ob. Let DA saVe TOU time and mones. LINDASY HARDWARE 2016 4th Dial 4957 ATTENTION FARMERS 5cc us for FOUr Irrigation ditcher needs. have the 2 leading ditchers for thin territory, The Corsicans dingle binde and the Chattin. double blade ditcher.
shall soon receive a Road shipment of one WAV DIDWA, and 7 TOW potaton digants. TIDW hnve Oliver Clotrac tractors In alock. both gasoline de diesel. Then ADO bIR tractors for wheat farmers. L.
R. RAGLAND Tour Oliver Farm Machinery Dealer 2007 Are. Pa 4121 Lubbock. Texas Grain Be sure to get in touch with us before selling your grain. We have our own trucks and haul to our mill from a radi-, us of 100-150 miles of Lubbock.
STANDARD MILLING CO. 1504 4th St. Dial 5571 Lubbock, Texas WAREHOUSE SALE INVENTORY CLEARANCE IRRIGATION ENGINES Ford. 100 H.P. with twin dics clutch $500.00 Dodge with clutch $500.00 Chevrolet.
Heavy duty with clutch $510.00 Buick. 125 H.P. With cluich $545.00 1 Cadillac Hyrdomatic $650.00 3 Jeep Engines $200.00 SEARS ROEBUCK CO. 2201 AVE. LUBBOCK Let the Sunshine InKeep the Insects Out! Replace your worn-out screen doors with a new one from FORREST! In stock 2-8--6-8 and 3-0-6-8 1300 Block 4th St Dial 4335 NEW HEAVY 16" CASING EArl dolivory with genuine A Byron Jackson Make your tons DOW Distributors: Atlas Overhand Sprinkler Irrigation agatem.
F. M. DENTON Dependable frigation Zauibment and Service 2201 (th Atreet DIRI 4209 NEW. TWO bedroom modern. posses.
sion. Also Gentle borse. 3305 Walnut. McMillan Heights. New FIVE room modern.
1116 44th (Highland St.) real bargain at $5 250.DD. $1500 wIll bandle. Call LOTS OF GOOD LOTS house Acre. Pressure dumb. $5600.
2 new 4 room, Pressure Pump. Sidewalks 1 new 5 room sidewalk Pressure Pump $6.750. See these houses before sou buy. milos out on. Idalou highway Gordon -Bozeman Addition.
D. B. GORDON 1611 7th Phone 2-6337 BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom hame on J0nd bedrooms are on the east side. Ploor furnace. Sep.
D. R. Fully Ine sulated and wee throughout. This PHA home commitment. worth owning.
$0,000 Lovely tile home on lat. Only 612,800. chen Double the ladies will love. $8500 G. I.
Textone walls. A kitLORn. MODERNISTIC 5 room eff. W. Lub.
Unusually large D. R. You when are you locking enter at 3 this magazine kitchen. Only $3460 picture down and you can move right In. ING BUTANE BUSINESS located in good West PROPANE DISTRIBUTTexas town.
Everything Sta, for goes only includ- Eng 760. This Magnolia price Includes tanks. equip. Ser. ment And all stock.
1, 62 a LAURA L. MOODY AGENCY 19th A ROBERSON JOE NIX OFF TEL 7600 2-3383 RES TEL. 23994 26656 26314 FHA Five room home near Roscoe Wilson priced in lice. NEW 3-Bedrooms one handles from new grade school $3300 CAsh NEW KIWAY 150 300 business lot on south Avc. $7500 immediate RANCH sale Near Dickens.
water. protected. good APASS: $2.000 cash FARM handles. WHEAT Choice land. Improved, irrigated cash, C.
E. FRANKLIN--SALESMAN PAGE LIPSCOMB CO. REALTORS Insurance FHA DIAl de 2-0010. Conv. Office 912-13th Res.
6828 Nice 5 room brick home. Corner lot in Nice good 5 room brick home on 15th. location. $10.500.00. 3 lovely bedroom 3 brick bedroom brick home in home with tar, light room brick, carpeted.
Livingroom Double RAFARe. 100 ft. dininglot. An Lovelland Ideal lot highway for A with nice Rood nome well of water. MRS.
HALL 6210 Web locates 3 home neat- in4 completion FRA loan Buy now and YOU CAD have it decorated to suit vous furnishings. Several other dice 3 and 3 bedroom houses. still have a few choice 40 and 1 90 ft lots in Woodlawn See us today Exclusive agents J. MURFEE SON West Texas Since 1210" Insurance Reel Estate and Gnane 1310 A Texas Ave Dia! 4811 Res 99D4 of 544R NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME FHA Homes with approved lous. Minimum down payment, located tween.
new grade and new Jr. ligh schools. Insulated. Hardwood floors, floor furnace. Filtehen, windows.
exhaust fan Located with 3500 Truscoa Block 30th. Best built house in Lubbock on These houser by Wayne Construction Co. Hollis Campbell Agency Texas Ave. Rm. 206 B)dR.
Dial 5309 A real buy in twa business buildings in Lubbock, on cood street. A cafe doing good busines. Filling station well located, 5 room brick home, close in. room brick on 15th St. 7 room brick on 15 St.
Apt, in back. A lovely 5 room home in SW Lubbock. Priced $9400.00: $2500.00 cash. Good 2 Br. home, hRs $6300.00 1040.
$1750 cash will handle. 5 A. with new imp. trade for home 10 Lown. J.
L. PATE 101th Alexander 624 Lubbock Bldg Res 9888 OWNER LEAVING A Home You Would Like To Own 2615 20th Price $14,200 Also 1509 33rd $8250 SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Two lots Carter Coffee Addition and 100 ft. lot W. L. (Cotton) McAfee AGENCY Dim1 5721 OF Res.
1056 16th Bryan Bldr 4 ROOM HOME Good four room modern home. extra nice floors, fenced back yard, Only $8000.00 18 ma. old. FURNISHED Four room modern. very and neat.
garage. lawn and shrubs, you will like this. 5 ROOM HOME Good five room home in Arnett Benson, large rooms, garage. small apt. only $7140.00 We have Rome nice three bed room homes, call us.
RAY GARES DIR1 2-4763 OWNER MUST SELL Best Bullt Modern Home, ToDmE, just off Tahoka Highway 016 Collegeview 8t. South Lubbock. Butler Addition. 100 foot front lot, jet presAure pump, some terms, price $5750.00 Tel. oxener 6341.
possession. (Tex.) Evening Journal, 129 Houses For Sale NEW 3 room, bath room, closet. oak floors. To be moved. 2620 Wunut.
$8150.00 buys nice 2 bedroom FHA home near College Ave. LATKE loan. Phone 1194. BY OWNER: room frame. Large lot.
606 Ave. R. Price reduced. Phone 2-7797. ROOM modern and 2 room on or 1oining trade lots by in owner.
Puckett 230 Ave. addition. 8. Detween 12 and 1. NYW THREE room, modern, two lots.
water well. pressure Take new pickup truck in 4335. TO BE neW 11 28 tro room house, 617 Avenue A. FOR SALE OR TRADE: Well located room brick house good teceir. Ploor furnace.
venetian xitchen Dan ample built-tor, Fenced backyard wilh plenty of shade. For appointment, call 2-3713. Only $9500 buys this beautiful room PRA home. Washroom behind garast rooms, with Finest lacation 2610-26th. Explumbing.
Extra cluadve listipe. MN, 6583 or 2-2652. LET MAKE THIS YOU DUPLEX LIVING Nice lurte 8 rm brick duplex, on corner lot, two bathe, six closets, fireplace and mantle 15 each living room. close to business district, DOssidle Income $200. monthiz.
$7,000 Joan value total price oblv $12,000. PHONE 6720 Oz 1-1119 6 room brick on corner lot In ness. for sale or take 2 bedroom home in trade. 6 rm house, 120 ft. on $18,000 00 New 2.
3 bedroom homes in SW Lubbock. Large loans. Lot 60x130 with god pullding 40x80 on south Calleze. Priced right. Farms, Acreage, any location.
JESS TAYLOR Office 2-1667 RAN 242420 (301 Are 4 HOMES NEAR SCHOOL Lovely 2 bedroom, 1 block Carler. $1800 will bandle. room house, large rooms ed for duplex with apartment In. rear. Close in.
$2000 will handle 3 bedroom near Roscoe Wilson. 000 will handle. Also 2 bedroom. DIAL 2-3588 BEST BUYS IN TOWN Duplex 3 lArge room each sidegarAge apts. rents for 650 mo.
It front 12-unit new. rents far 1600 mo, 8 unit brick apt, fur. rents for 1368 Real nice 4 room brick. ruwood. carpeted, $8,500.
Poss, 3 days. W. J. DUNCAN 1004 Broadway Phone 6241 Res A REAL BUY in R. Home in SW Lubbock.
It has 2 baths. beautifal hardwood floors. built-ine, priced 814,500. BUSINESS property warth the moner consists of Tile de Stucco building. 4 room modern home, with 400' lotage.
Priced 000.00 and will sell, stock aDd fixtures. Let us write your Hall Insurance. WAITER JAY AUTO FIRE INSURANCE 1821 Texas Ave. Dial 2-4140 Lubbock Texas Res 8389 BEAUTIFUL BRICK HOME ocd ronm cile bathe tile ritaben cabinet contral beating unit car CATARE. 12x20 room steel ment window time roof.
160 f1 frontage pavement OTTO REA 1230 Texas PHone 2308 161h 9780 BEDROOM HOMES bedroom, 3 baths. 75 PL jots. Fenced back vard. $14.600. Good loan.
3 Bedrooms. Carpeted living room and dining room. Tech Terrace. 000 Good 3 Bedrom brick, Corner lot, 2 extra lots $15.000. 1 acre on Leveland Rishway.
OTTO N. REA Texan Ave. -Dial 4629 2209-16th-Dial 9790 Comfortable suburban home for ury living. big rooms, LWO baths and utility room. servant's house.
double garage, barns, corrals. preasure pump And frigation well an acres of land. Beautiful rock-roneer. newly landscaped on road to be DaTed richt away. Phone 9727.
3 BEAUTIFUL HOMES 9.1 of Lubbock Built to Ute tr One 2 bedroom. 2 three Four 2 bedroom homes at. Sovezal smaller homer to sell Some RD00 One room with Small crocerv de meat market. MARY E. RALSTON Dial 2-7552 or 4508 2802 Maple HOME SPECIALS TODAY Comfortable five room And REFACE apt.
on Th school, $9500 terms. New PRA 5 room. eff. on Banders NeRY College, $6500 terms or car. room brick veneer.
29th: real bargain for. $10.000 and terms BATES REALTY COMPANY 60? Merlek BidE. Dial 1290 anytime room frame. Damrob add $3750 coom Trams zone, room brick. cornet lot $8750 room stucco, modern now $6150 rm.
FHA. school bus line 411500 room stucco on Iota Residence business tracts, Farms. ranches, acreage tracts. Oil and gas leases and Polio Insurance. You mar need it McCARTY 102 Shaw Bide 1114 Phons 6854 Res phone Chall Brasher Ra ohnne $11.500.
3 BEDROOM RONT Living room. dining room carpated. Lovely drED6R 10. ROod condition. Has Large loan $14,000.
50 140 vacant lot OD paved corner $2500. STELLA ANTHONY WALTER PRICE AGENCY Realtors. 414 Myrick Bids. Phone 1727-Res. 5964 EXTRA LARGE room frame, floor furnace.
tenced vard. A attached with concrete floor. B. A good comfortable room brick close to Tech. a very desirable tion owner leaving torn.
A buy you can afford, 7 frame with 3 FIn end bath apartarent on TORT, near Tech Home Taxas, will exchange for Lub. probarty, Large 5 am. frame, CAD be used three bod Tm. double gatake. and single apt.
on rear of lot. will ael! or trade. WATER BELT IN N. M. 4 sections stock farm 350 A.
in vation. modern house. plenty of water in (two) no. 12 pumps. both wells close to good town 15 N.
M. $25.00 Per A. with crop. 320. A.
near Lovington N.M 160 A. irrizated ROOd crop $70.00 per A. 640 A. near Lubbock poss. Also 320 A.
Poss. both in water belt. Five A. Improved IN. priced to sell or will trade.
CLOSE JACKSON REAL ESTATE 204 CONLEY BLDG Ph. 5411 JORETA THURMAN 7951. JEAN CHAMBERLAIN 6751 MR8. PIELDS 2-4721 JACKSON 6167 VACANT Room house with 3 room house at back on 11h St. DIAL 2-4815 July 14, 1948 Sac 1.
Pare (29-Houses For Sale ROOM DousE, modern. frent Courts an porch, Last Vacant. Broad Fast of Bee A 1712-Ave. 0. BY Well and OWNER overhead acrea ADd tank.
p*rn St Dial 2-4495. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS! Quit workint for a salary. Make per month b7 buying nice hardwires in dear Lubbock. wholesale invoice 10 stock, no 1967 gross business Wu tablished years. Owners retiring Price about $7.000.
terms. Phone 1126 or 2-1119. 3 NEED YOU'VE BO ONE. SAYS: GOT MO' OVER. TWO I THERE DIP OR 10.
bedroom In 1941. on of with Cala or Three Bedroom on mad New. 1320 furniture, House Very nice. Three Bedroom on 31st. Just being Three completed.
Bedroom home in son addition. 18.300.00. Frates Pemberton Agency: GENERAL 262 Cotton INSURANCE Exchange LOANS REAL ESTATE 0 A PEMBERTON PA HOUSES 3 bedroom Brick with spartmeat rear near' Collare rooms block with from Lad one Avenue. Only $7500, bedroom in perfect candition at 6 riem frame. and owner will taxe model on deal.
PArM 177 acre southeast of La velland. Crop. tractor row croipment roes. WiI take medium priced In Lubbock on deal. SIDNEY JOHNSTON 2314 74h Street Phone 2-504 3 bedroom SW Lubbock $10.000 Take house trade 1n.
bedroom barict Close So collate $17500. Will trade. houser all mod. on South one city, $15.750. Good bedroom Douse.
PAVEd AT down. $5150. full price. 50 225 ft. tot 3510.
ca. 41200.06. ft. coT. 0 tot.
$800 pit. 870 mo. MW Lubbock. J. B.
ROBERTS Dial 5079 NEW HOME FOR YOU. 8.W. ROSCOT WILSON SCHOOL, MI SCHOOL Three bedrooms, built by euser home. 8a. 1t, 1120, absestos, 1 att, you will like doors.
windows. kitchen, bath, floor, porch. Price $10.500. Loan $6800.00. Pay $07.
12 year loan. Lot 60x138. POSS. KEPT. 1 PETER F.
MURRAY off. $401 Myrick Bide. Ras. OWNER MUST SELL venetian modern blinds. "A Floors SW sacrifios Located at 13rd.
W1 chia PHONE 2-4471 OWNER FOR SALE Nice TOOm house. 61000 Nice room souse, furnished. 00od tourist CAMP die Are. close in. Otber good buys L.
C. MONTGOMERY Ph. 7322 2213-18th largo, room, extra bica, Lion, nice near Del 310800 10 80 tots. 14500, 5 rooms on 3415 Dear George Sebool. N.
S. McBride DIAL $362 2400 AVZ. Very nice 6 Lots room de of bath, trait Tito trees on 20th St. rose garden only $11,500.00. 8 room bath garage clops school on Edna 5t Price 07350.00.
15 acre tract on Monroe hiway. per acre. H. H. KIGHT Master Bide off Ph.
7-6244 Modera Frosary store with room oath home. Exceleas Icontion and' on Food Cafe doing nice business. WI permanent fixtures 4D6 lease inK. The location la perfect. 5 room bath in Idalou vita land.
LUCIAN MOORE WALTER PRICE AGENCY 414 Myrick Res Phone 1127 Phone 4386 2-3830 LUBBOCK'S BEST 11) 2713 N. 6TH Nice modern room and bath home on street. $2000 dews. $6000. (21 .3404 Nearly complete.
1000 Sq. feet. (3) ROOMS NEW- Suburbaned. $7750 with rood terms. ROOMS Nit- with tood terms.
EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Paul W. Pattillo Phone 8032 or 1-6732 Res. 1006 17th Next dr. Weatern CHAPMAN 1 RE ALTOO' FOR SALE OWN EXTRA GOOD I NEW HOUSE 3 bed rooms, 2 complete furnace, venetian blinds extra In every detail, in best part of Lubbock Good FHA loan approved. 2 bed rooms and den (den suitable for bed roam preferred) lat on pared arrant in very nice hood in ew Lubbock.
Larre TROn. and ranch atyle front porch Good FHA loan approved, Seth houses ready for Price of these houser will 700. Phone 7277 after p. m. or between 6 a.
m. and 5 p. m. 2011 Modern Ton duplex melt fer $8200. or trade for farm land 3 bedroom home in SW Lubhock1 fully insulated, on 50 140 ft lot.
Just been redecorated. $10.000. 177 acre irrigated farm. all moderav. Improvements, room house.
diate possession Located close Lubbock. acre farm to irrigation belt, An" in cult. Nice 4 room home. als $120. De acre.
We WT RAIL Insurance Perm four EXCHANGE Ottica J. Phone 4386 2-3830.