Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

1 5 Form E. IT'S SO EASY Death Notices McCLINTOCK HAL MCCLINTOCK, 57, Ridgeway passed away Tuesday. Member Me Church, Masonic Lodge So. 578, Bowie, Texas. and Beaumont O.E S.

No. 71. Survivors: Wife. Katherine; mother, Mrs. Harper, McClintock, Fort Mexia: son, Jack.

Mexia, Worth: brothers. per Wvo. Rayburn Texas, Ralph. CasWebster, Texas; sister, Mrs. McClintock, Lucille Arrant.

Mexia: 3 grandchildren. Graveside service p.m. Saturday, Mt. Olivet. Ar.

W. Northside Drive, MA 4-2191. 111 Shannon's North, McCULLOUGH PFC. GARY MCCULLOUGH, 20, 3540 E. Kellis.

passed away In Vietnam Aug. 25. Wife, Durlene: parents. Mr. Survivors: Mrs.

Herbert McCullough, Fort and Worth; sisters, Mrs. Cynthia Ward, Darlene, Nancy McCullough. Services 2:30 Saturday, Worth Baptist Church, Rev. Raymond Barber and Rev. Don Newsome officiating.

Rose Hill. Arrangements. Hugh M. Moore Sons. 4912 E.

Lancaster, Fort Worth. MOLLET c. W. (CHUCK) MOLLET, Route Box 73P Azle, passed away Friday, Harris Hospital. Family will be at 6408 Duray, Survivors: Wife, Dol E.

Mollet, son, Michael W. Mollet, both Azie: mother, Mrs. Jessie Mollet, Martin Grove. sister, Mrs. Mary R.

Yend, Martin Grove, Services o'clock Greenwood Chapel. Rev. James Campbell of First Methodist Church in Hurst will officiate. Interment Greenwood. Arrangements Greenwood, 3100 White Settlement Road at University.

ED 6-0584. MORRISON MRS. LURA P. MORRISON, 82. 309 Hannon Court.

Survivors: Daughters. Flora Crain, Fort Worth, Sylvia Lee, Nebraska: Clarence Morrison, Fort Worth, Lester Morrison, Phillippine Islands, John Morrison, 18 grandchildren: 7 greatgrandchildren. Services p.m. Saturday, Owens-Brumley Chapel, Interment Laurel Land. Arrangements, Owens-Brumley, 425 S.

Henderson, ED 5-4557, REEVES EMBERY S. REEVES, former telegrapher for Associated Press, passed away in New york City. Thursday, Survivors: Brothers, J. F. Reeves, Fort Worth, John A.

Mrs. Reeves, Mason, Cameron, Texas; sisters, Mary Mrs. Rosa White, Aransas Pass. Services pending, New York City. SINGLETON E.

SINGLETON, 48, 9101 Farmers Road, passed away Friday. Arrangements pending Owens 425 S. Henderson, ED 5-4557. SMITH LAWRENCE EARL SMITH, 63, 1626 Lackland, Arungton, passed away Friday after short illness. He was employed by Continental Trailways, resident of Arlington past 5 years, member of the Church of Christ.

Survivors: Wife, Bonnie; sons, Cleve, Nacona, Steve Smith, Norman Dale Latham, both of Arlington, Cloys Latham, Tucson, daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Marie Bobo, Madison Heights, Miss Jo Nell Smith, Arlington; brothers, Bryan, Paul, both of Fort Worth, Edgar Ernest, Jack, Andy, all of Gainesville, Carrol Smith, Myra: sister, Mrs. Odessa Estelle Smith, Lubbock; 13 grandchildren. Services 2 p.m. Sunday Cooper St.

Church of Christ. Graveside services 4:30 p.m. Sunday Fairview Cemetery. Arrangements Hugh M. Moore Sons, 1219 N.

Davis, Arlington. STONER CHET H. STONER, 82, Route 4 Cleburne, Passed away Thursday, D.O.A. Methodist Hospital, Dallas. Survivors: Wife, Mrs.

Susie Stoner, Cleburne; daughter, Mrs. Harold Carpenter, Keen; son, C. M. Stoner, Keen; 9 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren. Resident of Keen 71 years, retired water well driller.

Services 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Seventh Day Adventist Church, Keen, Elder Wesley Spiva and Elder C. D. Weldman officiating. Interment Keen Cemetery.

Arrangements Crosier-Pearson, Cleburne, AX 5-2322. WEATHERBY MRS. E. J. WEATHERBY, of Brownwood, passed away Friday at residence after a long illness.

Born in Mills County Texas, moved to Brownwood in 1920. Married E. J. Weatherby, Sept. 27, 1908.

Charter member of Central Methodist Church, Brownwood. Survivors: Husband; daughters, Mrs. Charles Moore, Houston, Miss Velma brother, Weatherby, F. Brown wood; Brown, Waco; sister, Mrs. Velva Sneed, Brownwood; 5 grandchildren; 8 Services 2 p.m.

Saturday, Central Methodist Church. Interment Greenleaf Cemetery. Arrangements Davis-Morris Funeral Home, Brownwood. YOUNG MRS. EVA H.

YOUNG, 78, 4221 5th Avenue, passed away Friday, Survivors: Husband, Frank L. Young; daughters, Mrs. W. B. Hedapeth, Arlington, Mrs.

John T. Foster, Fort Worth: sister, Mrs. M. F. Garrison, Houston: 5 grandchildren.

Services, 2 p.m. Saturday, Carter Methodist Church, Rev. R. A. Brooks officiating.

Interment Laurel Land. Family requests expressions of sympathy in the form of donations to Carter Park Methodist Church or Baptist World Mission. Arrangements Ray Crowder FUneral Home, new location 2200 Hemphill. ED 5-1213. Florists, Com' ty Lots 01A 2 CHOICE crypts in Greenwood Mausoleum, leaving town, must sacrifice, WA 4-4375.

4 BURIAL LOTS, Garden of Good Shepherd, Mount Olivet. GL 1-6007. Balch's Flowers, Inc. WA 4-2291 2608 W. Berry AX 2-2291 MOUNT OLIVET.

Cemetery, 2 spaces valued at $190 each. Will sell for $250. TE 8-0851. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR LEASE. Immaculate 4-bedroom, 2 bath.

North Richland Hills, $250 month. Sebesta Co. 282-9111 RAMBOUILLET EWES. CE 7-2564 ORNAMENTAL porch posts and rail0157 Jacksborc Highway MA 4-8989 inas, lowest prices in town. Bids Wanted 7851.

Legal Notices CERTIFICATE No. 2064, Company No. 01-77100, State Board of Insurance, State of Texas, August 29, 1968. Pursuant to Article 21.29 of the Texas Insurance Code, SOUTHWEST I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ITOL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, FORT WORTH, TEXAS in all respects complied with the laws of Texas in relation to insurance. Given under my hand and seal of office at Austin, Texas, the date first above written.

Clay Cotten Commissioner of Insurance. WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by anvone other than myself on or after this date. James L. Hatcher. 3850 Donalee.

WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself on or after this date. John W. Fowler, 416 Sandy Lane. Lodge Notices Bids Wanted NOTICE TO BIDDERS Tarrant County Junior College District will take bids on Disc Recordings until 2:00 P.M., September 25, 1968. For further information contact E.

Allan Smith, Purchasing Agent, 1400 Fort Worth National Bank Building, Fort Worth, Texas ED 6- STATED meeting North Fort Worth Tarrant Assembly No. 126 Saturday 7:30 p.m. Members urged to attend. Visitors welcome. MARY ALICE SKINNER, W.A.

JACKIE NETTLES, Rec. EL TEXA Grotto, M.O.V.P.E.R., fraternal Order for Master Masons, annual Cerebral Palsy dance will be held on September 14th at Hotel Texas at 9 p.m. Mombers of the Masonic Fraternity are welcome. (Tickets on sale at the door $4.00 per person.) G. F.

CRAWFORD, Monarch WILLIAM E. WURST, P.M. Secy. Lost and Found FOUND, young black Tom cat. Very gentle.

will give to good home. 6900 Gary Lane. GL 1-5455. LOST- German Shepherd male, vears old. very friendly, answers to collar, no tag, strayed from 3208 Crenshaw.

Reward. JE 6-7221, JE 4-7476. LOST, beige, 3 month, male cat in Ridgmar area, please call PE 7-3983. TO PLACE STAR-TELEGRAM CLASSIFIED ADS Lost and Found Lost black dress. rhinestone buttons, Neman's parking area or Westchiff Apartments.

Reward. WA 4-5736. LOST SINCE Friday, Lone Star Drive Inn. Jacksboro Hwy. and University, tiny black female, poodle, "Emmy" substantial reward for information leading to recovery.

TE 4-4947, FOUND set of keys left in car Oak Shopping Center in River Oaks. Owner Identify and pay for ad. PE 8-4267. LOST- -Gold earring with pearl drop. Reward.

MA 6-9881, ED 5-4374. Mrs. Terry. FOUND Male German Shepherd, Western Hills area. AX 2-0286.

STRAYED FROM 3806 Scranton, small brown doo. name Rewerd, AT 4-0164. LOST black male part Dachshund. Answers to name Kaiser. WA 6-5671, LOST MALE Brown Chihuanua.

8128 Bangor, C1 4-0912. Reward. LOST Black and tan young male Basset hound, chain collar, South Side. Reward. 1313 Alston.

924-5017. REWARD- Black and tan German Shepherd, lost in Wedqwood. 292- 5804. Man's brown billfold, South. Papers important.

WA 6-5512. STRAYED Sept. 8 evening, Miss Kit ty Kat Siam, 7 months aid Siamese, blue collar, pink rhinestones, reward, Mrs. Frank E. Putt.

500 Caduceus Lane, Hurst. BU LOST- -Black part Terrier dog, female on Oakland Blvd. 534-0801. LOST. reward $25, small white Doo die, "Tuffy," N.

Richland Hills, after 5. BU 1-4866. LOST- Diamond watch, black face Hamilton. Reward. TE While moving, large box containina 8 pairs of shoes, large handmade Bible class songbook.

JoAnn Marshall, Box Teaque, Texas 75860. LOST BOYS Paschal senior ring. Reward. WA 6-3244. LOST LARGE black and tan German Shepherd male, 9 months old, in vicinity of lower River Crest and White Settlement, Answers to name Zeno, return to 1101 Broad Ave.

or call PE 1-1508 LOST Southwest of Arlington, ponies. vicinity of Pleasant Ridge and Kelly Perkins Rd. bay mare, all 10 bay to 12 gelding, hands. shetland Please geld- call 478-6125 AT ARLINGTON LAKE, pearl drop with chipped diamonds. Reward, RU 1-5248.

BOY'S GREEN "Schwinn" Mustang bicycle, missing since late Saturday vicinity of Hillcrest and El Campo. If found please call PE 7-7311 or PE 1-1290. Red male Cairn Terrier, Tanglewood, reward. WA 7-0170. LOST Red whiteface heifer calf.

Kennedale area, last seen on Dick Price Rd. Reward. MA 6-5236. REWARD for recovery of boy's 3- speed Columbia Mustang bicycle, 4400 Starlight Dr. BU 1-2946.

Transportation 3 Denver, Seattle, Utah, Albuquerque, Minnesota. AN 4-4209, Dallas, Texas. GIRL STUDENT going to UTA needs ride from Crestwood area. Write Star- Telegram Box 324. RIDE WANTED to G.D..

7 a.m. shift, from West Side. WA 4-1750. WA 3-3403. CARS to California Insured Drive ED 2-2815 CADILLACS to West Coast.

TE 4-7901 RIDE needed to Wedgwood Junior High and Southwest High from 5701 Wheaton. Call AX 2-5716. DRIVE late model car to California, Bookkeeping-Tax Ser. 4 EXPERT bookkeeping-tax work Jim Lowry, WA 3-6224 Personal Items 5 LIKE NEW black shoulder length fall and wiglet, reasonably priced, 926-8880 before 11:30 a.m. NEW SINGING talent, pop or country, over 18, career ambition.

record company auditioning now. 332-1024. WANT to Buy Green and Scottie Stamp Books; Gift Star Raleigh Coupons 1026 Hemphill. ED 5-3902. HOMESTEAD MATERNITY Home for unwed mothers, confidential, private, professional care, Good rooms and board provided.

ADOPTION SERVICE CALL Dr. T. E. Durham, Exec. Director ED 5-5942 ED 6-7905 SENIOR CITIZENS Room and Board, $125 month Frederic Hotel International Falls, Minn.

55649 SUICIDE Prevention of Tarrant County, Inc. Call ED 6-3355. 3 COMMUNITY Theater coupon books. 451-8630. CARE WANTED IN PRIVATE HOME FOR OUR MOTHER, PE 8- 1019.

$250 REWARD for information leadinq to recovery of 1968 Shelby Coblime green, Texas registration FCR199. Cash on recovery. Call ED 6-0306. PUFF THE MAGIC CLOWN, $25 per hour- Birthday party. 282-5504.

PSYCHIC READINGS 3329 Darcy ED 6-1245 ABSOLUTE security detective agenCy, BU 2-0492, BL 5-7327. STAY TRIM. Rent a reducing ma chine from A-1 Rental Service. 3530 E. Belknap TE 1-1251 SISTER TEMPLE: Reader 1026 S.

Adams ED 2-5800 $500 REWARD for valuable information on the accident or just before the accident that took the lives of Linda Hamill and Terry Lytle who were returning from a fraternity meeting in Denton County Saturday night about 11:30 p.m. March 9, 1968. Send replies to Star-Telegram, Box 314. SISTER ALLEN Reader. 4514 E.

Lancaster. 535-3525. WANTED German war souvenirs, medals, helmets, books, knives, flags, etc. JE 4-8102. Volunteers of America Since 1917-Licensed adoption service.

New maternity home, hospital, nursery, 2710 Avenue J. JE 6-2855. VACANCY- Elderly man, 3 patient home, excellent care. ED 6-3590. TOMMY SMITH private investigation.

evidence, lost persons, legal evidence. ED 5-4674, ED 2-1804. MADAM TERENIA: Reader 2321 Hemphill WA 6-9165 SPIRITUALIST Come or write Rimes, 3021 E. Lancaster. JE 5-0139.

STUDENTS OF: A to Azrael, Cavce, Dixon, Ford. California Donovan (817) 274-3236. DEAR JONN: CALL VANCE-282-23Y5 SUSPENDED LICENSE BONDS AND SR22 FILINGS DIVORCE ASSISTANCE Divorce, child custody, Financing arranged, completely confidential. 451- 1514, A.D.S. Hunt' Travel, Resorts 6 GRAIN FIELD dove hunting and squirrel $2.50 per gun, also have quail and deer lease.

Decatur, Texas 817 627-5306. HUNTING TROPHY BUCKS. 34,000 acre N.M. Ranch between two Crockett Game Refuges, Many Boon in area. Permits $35.00 per aun, Night Phone (505) 588-2473 Kenneth Daly, Rutheron, N.M.

DOVE HUNTERS Excellent dove hunting in 66 acres of sunflowers and grain, miles west of Graford, $2.50 per gun. Contact Hobert May, Phone 664-2655 or stop at Red's Texaco Station, Graford for directions to hunting field. BIRD HUNTERS PARADISE Plenty of birds around cover. 0. Tomlin, Breckenridge, Texas, HI 9-3834.

DEER HUNTING season lease, call 449-2317, Breckenridge, Texas. DOVE HUNTING, 617 acres, 4 fields 3 tanks, pastures. Off Hwy. 377, east of Stephenville. Phone Bluff Dale SA 8-3527 or Stephenville 965-3513 B.

V. or Mrs. Dixon. Government surplus light plant with 12-volt electric starter. $100 each while they last.

Gordon Pope Machinery 2508 E. Lancaster JE 6-8318 BIRD HUNTERS, see ad Classification 82; H.D. Boswell, P.O. Box 561, Stephenville, Texas. DEER capital of Texas- -Llano County- day hunt, plenty good blinds, accommodations available.

First three days $75, balance of November, $15, all of December, $10. Cottonwood Resort. Area Code 512, 693-4327, Marble Falls, Texas 78654. DOVE HUNTERS Now leasing 800 acre, $2 per day or $20 per season. Call Mineral Wells, 325-3225.

PORTABLE cabins, 8x16, 10x20, can finance, deliver. TE 4-5517. DOVE HUNTING by the day excellent feed, 3 tanks, lots of dove. Call 965-2616, or 965-3513 Joe Hanco*ck Stephenville, Texas DEER AND quail lease, 600 acres, cabin, 13 miles northwest of Weatherford, $600. 817-594-5080.

RIFLE RANGE- -Open to public 478- 5613. SMALL camping trailer $250, 2520 W. Pafford. WA 6-5275. 10,500 ACRES southeast of Sweetwater for deer lease Call Sweetwater 915-846-4106 after 6 p.m.

Stamps and Coins BUYING SILVER dollars, coin collections. Have large Bid Board and Buy Board. Fred E. Causey Co. 1806 Layton Ave.

TE 1-1036 OLD COINS for sale, rare 1916-D dime, etc. BU 2-0018. OLD coin collection for sale, CR 5- 0732. JUST DIAL ED 2-7722 FOR Jobs of Interest--Male 14 WE MEN We are hiring helpers tor foundation drillina machines motor cranes. Top wages and fringe, benefits Includina hospitalization, life ins.

retirement plan, traveling expenses: paid. Must be af least 18 years of age, and have current drivers license. call for appointment, Martin and Martin Foundation Drilling, BU 1-1050. An equal opportunity employer SERVICE STATION attendants needed, opportunities for advancement, paid vacation. Apply in person to Sigmor Shamrock office, 3233 Cleburne Rd.

WANTED FIRST CLASS machine operators. RITE WA MANUFACTURING 3501 N. Svivania Kirby's Radiator: 2832 Belknap SHOP ME HELPER Florist Designer Need experienced male designer In all phases of floral work. None others need apply. Interested parties callLILLIAN SIMONS FLOWER SHOP 2-5121 Warehouse Workers Start $92.50 Per Week days.

Apply in person at plant, offIce on Mask Johnson Rd. South of Arlington oft FM 157. Employment office open Saturday 9-1, CR 5-8151. MARTIN SPROCKET GEAR, INC. FIBERGLASS repair man.

Corvetts and boats. Top commission. 335-0059, 9 to 6. PERMANENT OPPORTUNITY SKILLED AND UNSKILLED STEADY EMPLOYMENT Molding machine operators -helpers Grinders Chippers Core Makers Core Helpers Common Laborers Vacations, hospital and life Insurance. Retirement benefits Apply to TRINITY VALLEY FOUNDRY 3400 Bryce Our business is making things out of plastic and building plastic forming machinery.

We need people in our shop who like to make things, Inustrial arts training or wood or metal working experience necessary. Only those who really take pride in doing things need apply. We mean business. Pay and advancement commensurate with ability, initiative and attitude. Excellent working conditions.

20,000 feet of the finest plastic manufacturing facilities any where. Apply only in person. EMC Company, 3817 Rutledge. EXPERIENCED fry cooks and dishwashers. Good salary.


Complete training program, background-sales ability, mechanical ability, over 21, commercial license, $400 month while in training. A Baker's U-Rent It. 4111 N.E. 28th. RAILROAD track laborers, steady work, excellent pay and fringe benefits.

Apply room 312, Texas and Pacific Railway Fort Worth, Texas, EXPERIENCED insulators or will train. 5951 Eden Dr. TE 8-6631. EXPERIENCED water and sewer needed, GL 1-5239. EAVCO INC.

Men with experience in either machine shop or welding for mechanical fabrication of car wash and special machinery. Do not need to be journeyman. See or call Jack Bunch or M. G. Morton.

R38-5671, 3500 Noble. MAINTENANCE MAN Goodwill Industries needs 2 experlenced men for general buildina maintenance. Apply 665 S. Main. AIRCRAFT Immediate Openings Permanent jobs for experienced Aircraft Custom Interior Fabricators, Installers, and Upholsterers.

EXECUTIVE AIRCRAFT REDBIRD AIRPORT Dallas, Texas 214-FE 1-8381 BRICKLAYERS and laborers wanted. Apply at iob site, Pipeline and 820, Hurst, or call GL 1-9930 after 7 p.m. Machine Shop Production Workers Start $92.50 per week 5. days. Apply in person at plant office on Mask Johnson Rd.

South of Arlinaton 157. CR 5-8151 MARTIN SPROCKET GEAR, INC. TV TECHNICIANS RCA Immediate openinas for TV techni- cians, salary open, excellent fringe benefits. RCA has additional earnina possibilities advanced trainina proaram. RCA SERVICE CO.

2515 E. Lancaster JE 5-0861 An equal opportunity emplover NEED experienced man for assembling tables. Must be familiar with power equipment. Salary to match skills. Call Allen 535-7236 or 738-7142.

EXPERIENCED UPHOLSTERER Top wages. Apply FLOYD FURNITURE CO. 102 Lee Everman or call AX 3-3444 MACHINIST TRAINEE Start $102.25 Week 5 days. Apply In person at plant office on Mask Johnson Rd. South of Arlington off FM 157.

CR 5-8151. MARTIN SPROCKET GEAR, INC. TACO BELL 2301 W. BERRY Part time- full time Also assistant manager trainees and manager trainees. YOU DON'T have to have a college education to be successful in business.

Call Foremost Dairies, ED 2- 4375. Ask for Mr. Sutherland. An eaual opportunity employer. MEADOWBROOK Lanes Needs experienced man on 6525 pinsetter, days 9 to 5.

Apply 3232 E. Lancaster. GM DEALER needs experienced mechanic. Plenty of work, good working conditions. Located in Pan Handie of Texas.

806-779-2497. Construction Superintendent Carpenter Foreman Sewage Plant Foreman Must be experienced, have approved record of past performance, able to travel, top pay and allowances. Apply to B. D. Click Co.

Inc. 1333 S. Danville, P. 0. Box 5196 Abilene, Texas 79605.

An equal opportunity employer Excellent Opportunity Hospital Administrator proved Private general modern 150-bed medical-surgical JCAH hospital, Dallas Ft. Worth area. Applicant must have minimum 5 years hospital administrative experience. Salary open. Call or write, ard Harrell or John H.

Physicians General Hospital, Inc. Arlington, Texas, phone CR 7-2214. RESULTS I OVER 200,000 Jobs of Interest--Male 14 WANTED--TV TECHNICIAN Service call man or bench man, Top wages. Gateway TV, PE 2-1443. OPERATING ENGINEER Experienced In 9 operation of boilers and large air, conditioning units.

Good salary, fringe benefits. Apply personnel office. HARRIS HOSPITAL Camper Shop Woodworkers Assemblers Pennsylvania. 1ST CLASS METAL MAN We use lead See Bill Cameron BILL McDAVID PONTIAC 2917 W. 7th WA 7-5352 Experienced Furniture Touch- Up Man FITS, CONTACT SALARY, MR.

LEONARD, BENE. GOOD FRINGE ELLISON'S, ED 5-3371. wanted. TRUCK DRIVERS and laborers Apply in person. Thomas Steel Drums 2517 N.E.

35th St. Off N. Sylvania. and WANTED wood. SHINGLERS, composition HA 1-5064, LA 1-5519.

McKay Jones Roofing Dallas. TV TECHNICIAN Bench work only, black-white or color. 5-day week, top salary, paid cation, etc. Hurst TV 101 W. Pipeline va: Hurst, BU 2-7361.

EXPERIENCED Cook, off Saturday and Sunday, Fuqua Coffee Shop, 700 STATION attendant wanted, Apply 4940 Davis Shamrock No. 3. FABRICATION weiders needed, general helpers, see Mr. Greer, Diamond Industries, 4801 Parker Henderson Rd. JE 4-1756.

ed. Trailer EXPERIENCED DAIRYHAND wanthouse furnished. Excellent pay, Apply F. N. Shannon.

Rt. 1, Hico, Texas, or call 817 796-4768, 796-4519. WELDERS Fabricators Wanted. Electo 1137 W. Hurst Blvd.

JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER Repair and remodel, top wages. Eagle Plumbing, WA 6-4682 BUSINESS FORMS COMPOSITION SUPERVISOR Enlarge and manage complete prepress department for rapidly expandinq business forms manufacturer. Send resume or call B. H. Roberts for appointment.

Rogersnap Business Forms Inc. Carrollton, Texas 214-242-2123 Carrollton, Texas 214-242-2123 200Men Needed Apply 6 a.m. 6 p.m. Day AND night work Manpower, Inc. 715 Jones ED 5-4741 728 Southwest CR 7-6337 BARTENDER, NIGHTS, will train.

$100 per week, apply 9-2 Century Room, 507 Main, downtown CARPENTER WANTED. Call CR 4. 6077 or CR 5-1865, or see 0. W. Smith or Jack Supherlin on job.

Roberts St. and S. Riverside, Ft. Worth, SYSTEMS Mod, Inc. 991 S.

Haltom Rd. Has immediate opening for night foreman, general machinists and trainees 1. for 1st and 2nd shifts. Salary open. TE 4-7303.

HELP WANTED for general nursery steady employment, PE 8-4141, 4661 White Settlement. Permanent Jobs Bullard VTL Operators Gear Cutter Operators Multi-Au-Matic Operators Secondary Machine Operators Turret Lathe Operators Welders Shop Trainees Immediate openinas for experienced help and for trainees for general shop work. Overtime and all fringe benefits. APPLY Ft. Worth Steel Machy.

Co. 3600 McCart, WA 4-4255, Ext. 62 FAST growing manufacturing com. pany needs maintenance mechanics. Will hire some trainees, 21 to 35.

Day shift, good fringe benefits. Apply Packaging Facilities 3207 S. Pipeline BU 3-6281. TRUCK DRIVER over 25 TE 4-5418 NEED 3 or 4 experienced commercial framing carpenters, by the hour or contract, 400 N. Beach.

YOUNG man to learn saddle trade. Full time only. Apply in person, The Rodeo Shop, 8100 Weatherford Hwy. Machine Operators Needed EVENING WORK, 5-9. SATURDAYS IF DESIRED.

624-4151 1901 BRENNAN LICENSED PLUMBER or experlenced helper, steady employment. CE 7-2419. UNIROYAL HOME AUTO CENTER Brake and wheel mechanic with large national company. Opportunity for advancement, excellent pay, company benefits. Please apply in person, at 115 W.

Seminary Dr. WA 6-6881. An equal opportunity employer BARBER and porter wanted, good job. PE 8-0681. COMBINATION yard and maintenance man.

Year, around work. Apply in person Monday, after 8:30 a.m. Lena Pope 4701 W. Rosedale. WANTED Man and wife or just man for cashier work at self service station at Justin, Texas.

Apply 3420 E. Vickery, NEW CAR make ready man and mechanics. 5518 E. Belknap. NEED 2 additional mechanics.

Chrysler experience preferred. above average earninas, good workina conditions. See Gene Ingram, service manager. RYAN DODGE 2401 W. 7TH WANTED! Engineers and superintendants for design and construction of mechanical and G.C.

work. FUture and salary limited only by applicants ability with young, fast growing firm. Call 817-ED 5-3911. TRUCK DRIVERS, Fort Worth area AT 4-9691 NEED IMMEDIATELY MEN FOR STATE INSPECTION cation and holidays with 900d fringes. Tyson Buick, Inc.

999 N. UNIVERSITY DR. FORT WORTH Apply George Ward or Doyl Kidd SIZZLER STEAK HOUSE ASSISTANT MANAGER CASHIER BUS BOY 3308 Fairfield 5322 Trail Lake Dr. YOUNG MAN, sharp, high school. wanted to train as shipping clerk to back up shipping foreman.

Pressed Metal Products Inc. 3100 Chesser Boyer Rd. AUTO MECHANIC Country Ford dealer, 30 miles from Fort Worth needs 2 good all-round mechanics, days, extra good salary for right men. Need 1 young mechanic to train for service manager job. Good working conditions, building new building.

See Lewis Byars Ford at Granbury or call on Fort Worth phone ED 6-8084. ORDERLIES Good salary, fringe benefits. Apply Personnel Office HARRIS HOSPITAL DISHWASHER AND CLEAN UP BOY Part time. Apply in person. Pig Stand.

643 N. Main or 2736 W. 7th. RETIRED man for coin-operated carwash, Arlington area. TE 4-4641, CIRCULATION EVERY Jobs of Male 14 NATIONWIDE ORGANIZATION NEEDS YOUNG MEN IN FORT WORTH LOCATION.


ED 2-1153 Security Guards Pinkerton's is employing full time guards for employment in the Fort Worth area. Able to work any shift. Uniforms and equipment furnished. Paid vacations profit sharing for those who qualify and free life Insurance, Opportunity for advancement in position and salary. Ex-servicemen must bring discharge papers.

Call for apointment, ED 6-5854. An equal opportunity employer. WANTED Foundation repairmen. Good pay, experience NOT necessary. PE 2-0611.

NEED YOUNG, man to drive pickup and make deliverles, must be 20 years of age. ED 2-6341. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT WANTED, days. 5840 Camp Bowie. PE 8-3020.

WANTED Truck driver to drive locally and work in shop. Apply Carruthers Cut Stone Co. 648 N. Commerce. CONSTRUCTION work, work rain or shine.

No overhead welding. Lots of overtime. Dave Bloxom 7800 W. Vickery, SERVICE STATION attendant wanted. Experience necessary.

Good job for the right man. Apply 605 E. Hurst Blvd. BU 2-5001. CARPENTERS Permanent Employment See D.

R. (Ray) Nix at lob site near Fielder and Norwood in Arlington. LEARN A TRADE FOUNDRY WORKERS Apprenticeships open. Accelerating wage scales. Fringe benefits and steady employment.

Report to the security gate on parking lot ofTEXAS BRONZE MFG. Mansfield Hwy. At Kennedale Equal Opportunity Employer needed. 6548 Meadowbrook Dr. WANTED--Carpenters and helpers.

Contact Brown construction. 246-2979. EXPERIENCED DRAFTSMAN To assist project engineer in new design, layout, basic stress, analysis and hydraulics. Circuit design of heavy mobile, equipment. An opportunity for rapid growth in experience and responsibility.

Send resume or call Penio Hydra-Pull Corp. P. O. Box 1989. Fort Worth, Texas, 76101.

AX 3-3220. NEED SERVICE station help. Good working conditions, 2701 Lackland Rd. PE 2-3711. EXPERIENCED service station help Need 4 experienced air conditioning installation helpers.

Starting pay $2.50 per hour. Excellent opportunity for advancement. Company benefits, paid vacation. Rangaire of Fort Worth 3304 S. Pecan WA 6-5405 300 MEN Needed Daily Pay 40 hours PEAKLOAD, INC.

Report 6 a.m. daily, 407 Jones St. RETIRED male motel night clerk, salary and room furnished. 3520 Camp Bowie. FINISHERS and form setters for curb and gutter.

3401 Loop 820. East service road. PE 2-9033, GL 1-9339, GL 1-3946. AUTO MACHINISTS, guaranteed $90 week commission, day, WA 3-2681, nights 295-2409. SERVICE station attendant, over 25, 6 days week, Apply in person, Cassidy Sinclair Station, Loop 820 at Meadowbrook Dr.

REGISTERED PHARMACIST Good starting salary. Excellent fringe benefits and opportunity 10 advance with Dallas' fastest Godwin, growing drug chain. Call Dewey area code 214, 1-2556. SERVICE STATION attendant, 3224 Mansfield Hwy. No phone calls.

LUNCHEON COOK Hours 7 a.m.-3 p.m, shift, oft every CATTLEMEN'S STEAK HOUSE 2458 N. Main DELIVERY AND WAREHOUSEMAN be neat and have car. Work in store and on deliveries. $1.60 hour Must Time and over 40 hours. Good steady work.

Apply Obid's Furniture, 9520 Weatherford Hwy, in person. TEACHER WANTED High school industrial arts, (woodworking), 90 semester hours of college work required. Salary schedule of Schools, Azle, Texas. 817-257-4100 Contact Superintendent or 257-4153. EXPERIENCED dairy conditions.

hand. CR Good 5- wages and working 2318. KENNEL help for veterinary duties. hospi- Reftal. Steady work.

Varied erences please. Call for appointment, TE 1-1284. SHIPPING-RECEIVING CLERK National wholesale electrical distributor needs man with warehouse experience. Will consider trainee. Prefer draft exempt; high school diploma required.

Duties include: Shippina, receivina with opportunity promotion to sales office. Start $2.25 per hour. Periodic increases. Call Mr. Haddock at MA 4-4191 to arrange interview.

College Student National wholesale electrical distributor has part time warehouse openina. Student must be able to work an average of 4 hours per dav. Start at $1.75 per hour. Call MA 4-4141, Mr. Haddock to arrange interview.

WE NEED topnotch service station personnel. Apply in person, Enco Service Station, 3100 Camp Bowie Blvd. BELLMAN- Porter, p.m.-12 p.m. experience preferred. Rio Motor Hotel, 6600 Camp Bowie.

HEAT TREAT trainees and sand blasters, 5. holidays, paid vacation, Christmas bonus, retirement, company insurance. Apply Superior Heat Treating 212 W. Ramsey. WANTED CARPENTER TRAINEES Ages 17 through 27.

Apply Opportunity Center, 400 W. Vickerv. This is an equal opportunity employer. MECHANICS 1. Mechanic or Machinist Highly Skilled 3: High School Graduate 4.

Top Mechanical Aptitude To train for key mechanical lobs in new non-defense metal working plant. Well established nationally known company. send complete resume to BOx 309, Telegram AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. MECHANIC, WASH LUBE MAN 25-vaar-old company Permanent lob opportunities Fringe benefits, paid vacation, holidays, Christmas bonus. OPENINGS IN FT.

TRUCK WORTH RENTAL HUDGINS Apply to Jimmie King 4700 S. Freeway WA 3-8233 DAY SATURDAY SEPTEMBER Jobs of Interest--Male 14 YOU CAN'T afford not to check this opportunity In a good paving position that lust might. fit you, Call Foremost Dairies, ED' 2-4375, ask for Mr. Sutherland. An equal opportunity emplover.

WANTED Great Southwest Industrial area. Band saw trainees. Call Al, CR $-3223. HAVE two 1967 410MF combines. Need man to operate 1 combine and be able to do mechanical work on both, Good maize run in Panhandle.

Start Oct 1. Good pay. Contact J. Savage, Frisco, Texas. (214) 377-2202 p.m.

WESTERN AUTO Needs automotive installer for tires, battery. and other accessories. 40- hour week with many benefits in cluding retirement. Age 21 and over. Apply.

WESTERN AUTO 4073 E. Beiknap See L. M. Vaughn TV SERVICE TRAINEES If you are a high school graduate. neat, hardworking.

and interested in electronics- apply City Tv. Service, Inc. 5100 E. Beiknap TRUCK DRIVER Must have commercial license. All fringe benefits.


Full or part time Apply personnel office, HARRIS HOSPITAL EXPERIENCED killing floor butchAlso inexperienced laborers. Will train. Apply in person or write including snapshots. Longhorn Meat Packers, East Hwy. 24, McKinney, Tex.

75069. STATION attendant wanted. Apply 5717 Camp Bowie Shamrock No. 5. PHYSICAL INSTRUCTOR Work at Fort Worth's health club.

Apply in person at Service Life Centers, Executive Health Spa. 2nd floor, Oil Gas Bida. 309 W. 7th $200 PER WEEK Combination lead carpenter and assistant superintendent for 100-unit apt. project in Fort Worth.

25-38. Must be finished carpenter, layout man, and be able to run men. GL 9409. MAJOR national concern has openinq for assistant data processing manager. Excellent salary range and opportunity for advancement for person with heavy backaround on computers.

Send resume stating background and salary requirements to Box 323. Star-Telegram, An equal opportunity employer LINE MECHANICS NEEDED Too commission plus company benefits, See Glen Elliott. HOLIDAY LINCOLN MERCURY 2501 W. 7th ED 5-9381 EXPERIENCED appliance and furniture delivery man. 1900 E.

Rosedale Construction Workers Good Pay. CE 2-0729 PRODUCTION WELDERS $137 per week. Must be experienced and know wire welding. Apply in person. Yarbrough Mfg.

Co. Arlington, Texas. Mask Johnson Rd. EXPERIENCED PRESS OPERATOR $137 week. experience Must have minimum of 5 years in operating and setting up machines.

Apply In person Yarbrough Mfg. Mask-Johnson Arlington, Texas. CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATOR Prefer experience in housing and apt. development. Rapidly growing Dallas company, good salary, excellent advancement potential.

Forward resume to Jim Pankratz, 4800 Broadmoor, Garland, Texas 75040. AC214BR 9-6546. SADDLE MAKER Man experienced In repair and leather work In Houston. For further information please call Mr. Moses or Mr.

E. L. Bass, (713) NA 2-5105. BURGER CHEF (a nationwide hamburger chain) has Immediate openings for manager trainees. Contact Bud Wheeler 3050 University Dr.

923-0331. APPLIANCE SERVICE MAN Full Or Part Time CR 4-0179 CR 4-0004 CR 7-4076 BULK MILK farm transport driver, Fred Crouch, AX 7-1108. WANTED Repair CR 7-3981. plumber, Big John's Plumbing, YOU CAN have your own business. capital required.

Foremost Dairles, ED 2-4375, Ask for Mr. Sutherland. An equal opportunity emplover. WANTED PORTER for used car department. Must be married and reliable.

(See. do not call LEROY ROGERS Bill McDavid Pontiac 2917 West 7th Street JOB OPPORTUNITIES NOW OPEN shop personnel office, 8 to 4, Monday thru Friday, 8 to 12 Saturday. ANCHOR METALS DIVISION OF ELECTRONICS SPECIALTY CO. HWY. 183, HURST For men to work as steel fabricating helper.

No experience required, excellent company benefits. Apply at Paid vacation. Apply in person 4101 Denton Hwy. Local Trailer Firm Expanding HAVE PERMANENT JOB OPENINGS FOR Sheet Metal Workers Welders EXCELLENT WAGE RATES AND PLEASANT WORKING CONDI. TIONS MANY FRINGE BENEFITS.

Apply Personnel Office Located at 4600 Blue Mound Rd. or 609 N. Main HOBBS TRAILERS Fort Worth, Texas Monday through Friday 8:30 to 4:30 p.m An equal opportunity employer RELIEF night desk clerk. 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.

shift. Apply Worth Hotel. NOT A DEFENSE industry job, but a position of security with future the right young electrical man with mechanical. and-or engineering ability, and a desire to become a partner in this closely held company. Must like people and be bondable.

Phone PE 7-6781. CARPENTERS wanted, good pay, day, BU 1-2201, night BU 1-5267. SHIPPING AND RECEIVING America's largest plastics manufacturina distributor needs a shipping recevina clerk in their Fort Worth warehouse. Apply in person. CADALLIC PLASTIC CO.

1400 Henderson WANTED Cashier, 35 or over. Apply in person, Amusem*nt Center Arcade, 509 Main. FULL OR part time experienced tion help, $1.60 hour after training. An equal opportunity employer NEED IMMEDIATELY skilled wood workers for store fixture work. Good pay and benefits.

Southwest Showcase 1213 Harrison Arlington, Texas. Vanted-Jewelry repairman and Diamond setter or combination watchmaker. 5-day week, free hospitalization and life insurance, paid vacation. Fullers Jewelry, 1110 W. Beitline Carrolton, Texas.

214-CH 2-5293. AUTO MECHANIC Experienced New Car MakeReady Man Wanted. per month depending on new car sales. Must have air condition and front end experience. Outstanding opportunity for right man.

Contact: Jack W. Rogers. Rogers Chev. Palestine, Texas A AC 214, 729-6928. after 6 p.m.

729. 5043. NEED retired or semi-retired man for car wash. Apply 5717 Camp Bowie. Shamrock No.

5. NEED journeyman plumbers, top wages. Call Mr. Atwood, WA 7-7508. TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDED Both bobtail and tractor trailer.

Contact Vauter Cartage Service, 1701 Jones. MORNING Fort Worth 11, 1968 Teaching- Training 10 computer careers COMPUTER Let the world's fastest growing computer services company show you how to join the computer age! Write TODAY for your free booklet, "YOUR CAREER IN COMPUTERS," or call: PHONE 731-2174 ACADEMY OF COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY RIDGLEA BANK BLDG. ANNEX FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76116 Filet UNIVERSITY COMPUTING COMPANY For home training in Computer Programming, coupon to: PO. Box 10106, Dallas. Texas 15207 For on campos study send coupon to Academy address above PLEASE I am interested in Computers SEND FREE Electronics BOOKLET Drafting CITY STATE FWST A Stamps and Coins ROLLS OF silver half dollars, $12.25 per roll.

JE 6-2650. W. A. McPeek, Coin Sales 6 days week 9 a.m. to 2 2505 Ashland 731-1562 We are buying What do you have? LEONARDS Stamp and Coin Department 200 Houston St.

ED 6-9111, Ext. 354 Teaching--Training 10 MEN TRAIN NOW TEXAS NEEDS LICENSED ELECTRICIANS PLUMBERS Train evenings, shop and theory with the country's oldest and largest! National Training 2818 Morton. Call ED 2-7301. Affiliated with Independent Electrical Association. PIANO AND organ lessons in my home, 2117 N.

Riverside Dr. 834-7852. MEN-WOMEN-17-45 YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN IBM AT N.T.I. Keypunch, Data Processing, Programming. Free Job Placement assi stance, 2818 Morton.

National Training ED 2-7301. TEXAS BARBER COLLEGE Men and Women Needed Easy Terms if desired Best training available National and State Accredited VA Approved 111 West Weatherford ED 6-3247 INCOME TAX INSTRUCTIONS An Income tax course for persons interested in entering the tax field or better their tax education A 12-weak course, 72 hours, instructed by professionals with vears of experience. Time pavment plan a all able Course avallable fromAbacus TAX SERVICE BOOKKEEPING Associates FOR INFORMATION CALL TE 4-7331 Classes begin end of September PIANO LESSONS. Enroll now. CErT 1716.

Greenfield Acres. PIANO teacher no racial preiudice, needs students. WA 3-3281. JOBS AWAIT OUR GRADUATES IBM-Keypunch SCHOOL OF DATA AUTOMATION 4 Weeks to Success Day and Night Classes Free Aptitude Tests Free Placement Service FINANCING AVAILABLE Keypunch, Inc. 100 N.

University Dr. 332.6313 CR 7-1873 FINISH HIGH SCHOOL at home. Small payments include books and instructions. Secretarial subiects. Our 71st vear American School.

Box 8594, 76212, JE 4-0818. ELECTRONICS- TV "Your Opportunity To Learn" Radio TV Electronic Technicians electronic assembly. Job Placement. NTI, 2818 Morton, ED 2-7301. Employment Services 12 TEACHERS Degree or non-degree lobs still open.

Phone 405-946-4003 or write FOWLERS TEACHERS AGENCY, Box 75414, Okla. City, Okla. Jobs of Interest--Male 14 HOUSEMAN and porter. Apply Mrs. Cooter, housekeeping department, Worth Hotel.


WANTED Permanent maintenance man. Must be experienced in Yard work, Call C. Richard Harrell or Mrs. Moyer, CR 7-2214, Ext. 300 or 331.

NEED cook and miscellaneous kitchen help, Prefer to live in. Home For Aged Masons. CR 7-5995. GARDENER Landscape maintenance. Private country club.

PE 2- 3333. Jobs of Interest--Male 14 WANTED Experienced auto parts salesman, Full or part time. Apply at 1811 E. Abram. Arlington.

AUTO BODY repairman, experience necessary, commission or salary. days a week. ED 5-9545, MELODY HOMES MANUFACTURING CO. 3, MILES NORTH.OF Saginaw Hicks Field 287 and P.O BOX 1227. FORT WORTH, TEXAS HUMPHREY-CE 2-0350 North.

Due to increase we are hiring men in all departments on mobile home construction. Openinas are available immediately for trainee and experienced men ast CARPENTERS, PLUMBERS, ELECTRICIANS. SAW OPERATOR, ASSEMBLERS, COMPANY BENEFITS AS FOLLOWS: -Starting salary $1.80 perl hour for production trainee, paid holidays. paid vacation. Free Life and Hospitalization insurance.

bonus and rapid advancement for quelltied workers. MANUFACTURER OF FLIGHT Controls and Instrumentation For General Aviation "Needs: MECHANICAL ENGINEER For production Engineering Team WAGES PLUS PROFIT SHARING MITCHELL INDUSTRIES MUNICIPAL AIRPORT MINERAL WELLS, TEX. 76067 PHONE 817--325-2517 AUTO MECHANICS How would you like to work in the most modern facility in the Fort Worth area where your earning power unlimited? Paid holidays, vacation. fringe benefits above average for this area, Tyson Buick, Inc. 999 N.

UNIVERSITY DR. FORT WORTH Apply George Ward or Doyl Kidd. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR EXPERIENCED CONSUMER FINANCE MEN National consumer finonce company needs exceptional managers and assistant managers. Above average sal. arv and fringe benefits.

Unusual profit sharing program. All applications confidential. Call for appointment ED 2-8664 EXPERIENCED ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS IF YOUR present Plants. Chain work with Defense Stores, or manufacturers service companies doesn't sals: you, talk with us about the opporfy tunities with Fort Worth's largest Independent TV Service Co. We will offer you the Best Pay in town, with vacation and famity insurance IF You are qualified.

City TV Service, Inc. 5100 E. Belknap EXPERIENCED Appliance repairman. Apply- 3521 Locke Ave. Appliance Service Center WELDER TRAINEE and enced welder needed by progressive Mobile Home frame and axle manufacturing company.

Apply at main office, 1100 Pleasant Ridge Rd. at Arlington, CR 4-1663. EXTRA WORK Man on night shift needed for morninq work. Deliveries and general shop work, Must know city. Apply in person, 403 Rand St.

Men for Furniture Cabinet Plant SAW OPERATORS MILL HANDS ASSEMBLERS Skilled or unskilled WILL INTERVIEW SATURDAY BORO INDUSTRIES 2901 Stanley Fort Worth An equal opportunity Employer 2 EXPERIENCED carpenters with tools. per hour. Also 2 penter helpers. PE 2-7909. BARBER WANTED Westcreek Barber Shop.

292-9984. 478-9865. NEEDED Car wash bovs for full time employment. If willing to work, apply in person only. Atkins Car Wash, 2220 E.

Rosedale. TRUCK driver for poultry and poultry products in the Fort Worth-Dallas area. Good future for person willing to work. Time and half for over 40 hours. Apply in person Mar.

ket Produce 3100 Randol Mill Arlington. PARKING ATTENDANTS SERVICE LIFE GARAGE 811 TAYLOR CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT A large commercial organization based in a Central Texas city of over 50,000 will employ a Construction Superintendent on a permanent basis. The ideal applicant would be a young man with at least 3 years experience in supervision of commercial construction. He should be able to employ and supervise craftsman, award and accept sub contracts, function as a general superintendent on new construction, and handle maintenance on older buildings, Must be free to travel and live away from home base for extended periods. Excellent compensation and benefits.

Give age, detailed experience and references in your reply. Box 325, Star- Telegram EXPERIENCED Casualty Insurance Payroll Auditor or Inspector to work Fort Worth and Waco area Salary expenses paid, Fringe benefits. Direct replies to T. E. Webster Kirby Bldg.

Dallas, Texas 75201 call RI -8-8683. MECHANIC Front end alignment equipment available. PE 8-7972. 6800 Camp Bowie Blvd. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT Good opportunity.

PE 8-7972. 6800 Camp Blvd. Experienced Groceryman Must have full knowledge of super market procedure, prefer older man with considerable experience, full and part time positions available. apply in person. Diamond Food Mar1912 N.

E. 28th St. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. WANTED--experienced service staattendant.

Apply 3000 N. Main, MA 6-0591, AUTO MECHANICS For Chevrolet dealership close 10 Metro area. New facilities, commission guaranteed. Apply in person to Wallace Burns Service Manager. STOVALL CHEVROLET CO.

CLEBURNE HWY. 174 BURLESON, TEXAS 295-1150 OR 295-1159 WANTED Experienced GM mechan Excellent working conditions, quaranteed salary plus commission, Apply in person at STOVALL CHEVROLET CO. HIGHWAY BURLESON, TEXAS WANTED Combination haul truck driver and yard man. Must be able to load and have construction eqUIp. ment on trailer.

Permanent position. 817-277-5858. after 8 p.m. TRUCK DRIVERS for retail lumber vard local delivery some of our drivers are making $130 per week, $700 in per person vear to Mr. Waits.

7408 Hifringe benefits. ADoly way 80 West. LAUNDRYMAT attendant. Able Side, bodled, semi-retired, live on West days. C1 4-1279 after 5.

TRUCK MECHANIC If you are an experienced truck mechanic on gasoline or diesel equipment ask yourself: 1-AM SATISFIED WITH MY PRESENT JOB? 2-DO I HAVE A FUTURE HERE? If your answers are both ves, don't call: MR. JARAS ED 6-4505 for an appointment WANTED Delivery and clean UD boy, week, Paid vacation. Apply in person 7339 Grapevine Highway. MASONERY helper with car. TE 8-8435 BODY man.

Mechanic, Helpers: Part or full time. Top pay. TE 4-1500 YOUNG MAN- -office supply, delivery work. Apply in person, Trinity Office Supply. 3009 Race DISHWASHER-1901 Berry Apply in person PAINTERS HELPER Some experience in carpenter work.

Permanent employment. Apply Worth Hotel, Dan Harper. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY General shops help and welders helpers, Apply Aztec Manufacturing 2901 W. Pafford, WA RETIRED, MAN Stell, for 1901 cashier, W. Berry.

restaur- Jobs of Interest- Male 14 ACCOUNTANT Public accounting firm desires accountant with degree and years public experience. Partnership arrangement possible after 1 year. First year earnings Barrett Barrett, Box 368. Hobbs, New Mexico. BRICKLAYERS wanted, Long lob.

Excellent working conditions. Union scale, 45 hours per week, Double time for overtime, Southwestern Bricklaying Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas. An equal opportunity employer. HELP WANTED Mature, Full Part Time. Apply CACO BELL.

2301 W. Berry. ONE MECHANIC ONE PORTER JACK WILLIAMS CHEVROLET 1300 S. University SEE SERVICE MANAGER EXPERIENCED SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT Good Pav CALL 292-6477 WANTED COLLEGE or school boys 10 arrange schedule to work in drive in sandwich shop full or part time. Apply after 11 a.m.

Circle "CH Char Bar 5300 E. Lancaster. Gl. 1-8297, PORTER 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

BOULEVARD HOSPITAL Mrs. Harmon PE 2-1644 STEELE LUMBER CO. HAS JOB OPENINGS FOR Assemblers Wood Roof Truss Manufacturing Plant Truck Driver Local Area Delivery Experienced Millwork Man Work Door Unit Mfg. Plant APPLY In person, employment office 2312 Lancater SEE STEELE FOR A BETTER DEAL AUTO Good opportunity MECHANIC, man. Wedgwood Garage, WANTED setter and helpers; top wages.

Apply 1201 Marshall, Grand Pral rie, Tex. See Jake Whitworth or Bill Bridges. EXPERIENCED driveway salesman needed, top pay plus commission and other benefits to qualified people. Apply Mobile Service Center, 6300. Camp Bowie, An equal opportunity employer NEED Arc Welders and Trailer mechanics.

Biltwel Trailers, Inc. N. E. 29th Decatur MA 6-1945. SERVICE STATION night manager, mechanic, wash, and tube man, part time help.

Chuck Walters Gulf, Henderson and Lancaster. WANTED, men to learn parking, lot marking. full time work, 21-35, CR 5-1161. PLANT WORKERS WANTED Starting, wage, $1.82 an hour. 40 hours minimum day work.

RICHMOND SCREW ANCHOR CO. 7216 Burns St. AT 4-9341 NAME ADDRESS PHONE OPPORTUNITY UNLIMITED GUARANTEED SALARY No experience necessary, we will train you. Liberal fringe benefits Include: insurance plan, retirement plan, paid vacations, sick and accident plan. OPENINGS IN: HOME DELIVERY ROUTE SALES WHOLESALE RELIEF DRIVERS PLANT PRODUCTION WORKERS Apply BOSWELL Meadow Gold Dairies 401 S.

LAKE An Equal Opportunity Employer DISHWASHERS Mature, afternoon shift 2 p.m, to 10 p.m. Also night shift, 10 p.m. to a.m, Apply in person ol' South Pancake House, 1501 S. University. MAN FOR APT, complex, various duties, full time.

737-4091. QUALIFIED AUTO MECHANIC JE 5-2060 JUNIOR EXECUTIVE WITH PUBLIC RELATIONS ABILITY Up to $800 starting income for executive type man age over 25, to represent large corporation. All expense paid home office school as part of 2-year training program. No travel inq. Sales experience desired but no essential.

College graduate or equiv alent business experience. At leas! 2-year Fort Worth resident. Married ambitious and capable of assuming future management responsibilities FOR APPOINTMENT CALL Mr. Stanley ED 6-2511 WANTED- Drivers for city delivery Chevrolet panel truck, mus be draft exempt, company benefits apply in person, 3000 Montgomery. EXPERIENCED gasoline truck driv er, $125 MICHENER Oil 281 4016.

284-8807, NEEDED licensed plumber 01 helper. Call BU 3-4153, BU 3-3324. WANTED VERTICLE TURRET LATHE OPERATOR RECTOR WELL EQUIPMENT CO 1400 E. BERRY AZTEC GALVANIZING Laborers needed. 400 N.

Tarran Crowley, Texas. FACTORY WORKERS Permanent jobs for machine or met al fabricating departments. wil train. Non-defense plant. Overtime All benefits.

Ft. Worth Steel Co. 3600 McCART, WA 4-4255, ext. 62 HAY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC Permanent, good pay, Apply in per son to Carl Seal, Clemons Tractor 2707 N. Main.

CASHIER FOR self service gas sto tion. 2 to midnight. 4810 Benbrock PE 7-0186. CONCESSION HELP WHITE. PART TIME.


After 5 p.m JE 4-1444. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT: 5924 Camp Bowie. $1.65 per hour. BANQUET waiters needed. Ant hours available.

Apply Worth Hotel Larry Holland. Local Delivery Driver Warehouse men, 2 shifts available Fringe benefits. Gachman Steel Co. 2600 Shamroci NEED MAN for yard work and ligh janitorial work. 40 hours week, $1.7 per hour, full benefits.

Plastic Moid ers Supply 9001 S. Freeway. MECHANIC WITH FOREIGN CAR EXPERIENCE To work on Buick's compact size OPEL. Guaranteed salary or com mission. Brand new 12 acre facility Paid vacation and holidays.

Goor fringes. Tyson Buick, Inc. 999 N. UNIVERSITY DR. FORT WORTH Apply George Ward or Doyl Kidd AUTOMOTIVE service salesman sell automatic transmission servio for the world's largest independan transmission rebuilder in our Irving Service Center.

Salary and commission Pension trust Hospitalization insurance Short working hours Paid vacation Paid holidays 825 N. Britain Rd. 259-1531, Irvine Frank Dahman Irving Manager, Mr. Brown will be in the Haciend Motor Hotel 259-2661, Room 162 th 14th and 15th for personal interview if desired. service station attendant Premier.

HwY. 377, Benbrook, 834 2803. WANTED Young man for genera factory work. Apply in person. Kline Engraving Co.

Inc. 1302 Throckmorton SERVICE MAN wanted, permanent good starting salary, good compan benefits, apply in person, Page Tin 2424 W. 7th..

Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)


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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.